I am sure that this software will make people happy.
This is software that will automatically create its own and many thanks to its single article database of synonyms.
No installation required, unzip and simply click on the application.
How to use it :
First, choose the text you need to spin.
Second click on "Use All Possible Keywords" or F4.
Third, click on "Preview Possible Articles"
After you will have a new open page with many differents articles.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Magic Submitter
Magic Submitter is a new software that can submit almost to anywhere!
Blogs, article directories, bookmaking services,
video services, RSS, microblogs, web2.0 properties.
What's makes it cool is that we can add our own site to the software!
A remarkable breakthrough i have to say.
I found this while cruising on the net.
Blogs, article directories, bookmaking services,
video services, RSS, microblogs, web2.0 properties.
What's makes it cool is that we can add our own site to the software!
A remarkable breakthrough i have to say.
I found this while cruising on the net.
2500+ Auto Approved URLs
This text file contains about 2500+ unique URLs, which should all be Auto Approval blogs where you can drop some comments advertising your websites. Many of these blogs also have "recent comments" widgets which display your link/name on EVERY page of the website.
BacklinkSpeed 3000+ Directories Included
BacklinkSpeed v1.1 Software (2.0 Directories)
BacklinkSpeed is the easiest way to submit your web site to over 3,150 backlink sites and directories, instantly giving a jumpstart to your traffic and immediate visibility to the search engines
BacklinkSpeed is the easiest way to submit your web site to over 3,150 backlink sites and directories, instantly giving a jumpstart to your traffic and immediate visibility to the search engines
Configurasi ptunnel
vi /root/runtunnel.sh kemudian masukan script sebagai berikut
temp=$(ps -e | grep ptunnel)
if [ "$temp" = "" ]; then
ptunnel -m 20
echo "oye"
kemudian tekan esc dan save menggunakan commad :wq! tekan enter
setelah itu ketikan crontab -e dan isikan script sebagai berikut
#*/59 * * * * ps -ef | mail -s "Proccess on My Server
*/5 * * * * sh /root/runtunnel.sh
kemudian save
langkah selanjutnya kita tinggal pengecekan di server apakah ptunnel jalan atau tidak dengan ketikan ps -ef
bilamana di server jalan ptunnel kita harus kill process dengan perintah kill -9 angak PId nya setelah itu jalan kan perintah sh /root/runtunnel.sh
configurasi pun telah selesai dan server siap di tinggal kemana mana
temp=$(ps -e | grep ptunnel)
if [ "$temp" = "" ]; then
ptunnel -m 20
echo "oye"
kemudian tekan esc dan save menggunakan commad :wq! tekan enter
setelah itu ketikan crontab -e dan isikan script sebagai berikut
#*/59 * * * * ps -ef | mail -s "Proccess on My Server
*/5 * * * * sh /root/runtunnel.sh
kemudian save
langkah selanjutnya kita tinggal pengecekan di server apakah ptunnel jalan atau tidak dengan ketikan ps -ef
bilamana di server jalan ptunnel kita harus kill process dengan perintah kill -9 angak PId nya setelah itu jalan kan perintah sh /root/runtunnel.sh
configurasi pun telah selesai dan server siap di tinggal kemana mana
OpenVPN & SSH Tunnel
yum install rpm-build autoconf.noarch zlib-devel pam-devel openssl-devel
download dan install lzo dan openvpn
wget http://repo.securityteam.us/repository/redhat/el4/i386/RPMS/openvpn-2.0.9-1.i386.rpm
Install lzo dan openvpn dengan perintah sbb:
rpm –ivh lzo*
rpm –ivh openvpn-2.0.9-1.i386.rpm
Copy easy rsa ke directory openvpn
cp -r /usr/share/doc/openvpn-2.0.9/easy-rsa/ /etc/openvpn/
Membuat certificate
. ./vars Perhatikan, .(spasi).vars
./clean-all #Akan mengosongkan direktori keys/
Kemudian input data sesuai dengan konfigurasi kita, tekan enter untuk variabel yang sebelumnya sudah kita tentukan di file vars, dan sesuaikan Common Name dengan hostname server kita;
Buat server key
./build-key-server ovpnserver
Copy semua file keys dan certificate ke /etc/openvpn
cp keys/* /etc/openvpn
lalu masuk ke direrctory openvpn
cd /etc/openvpn
Buat file configurasi server
vi server.conf
plugin /usr/share/openvpn/plugin/lib/openvpn-auth-pam.so login
port 1194
proto udp
dev tun
ca ca.crt
cert ovpnserver.crt
key ovpnserver.key
dh dh1024.pem
ifconfig-pool-persist ipp2.txt
push "dhcp-option DNS"
push "dhcp-option DNS"
keepalive 10 120
status openvpn-status2.log
log openvpn2.log
verb 3
lalu simpan file konfigurasi
tekan esc lalu :wq!
Jalankan openvpn dengan cli sbb
service openvpn start
Buat konfigurasi file client
dev tun
proto tcp
remote 74.xx.xx.xx 1194
redirect-gateway def1
resolv-retry infinite
ca ca.crt
verb 3
Mefungsikan server sebagai gateway internet
1. enable port forwarding
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
2. mengaktifkan iptables
buat file dengan nama iptables-script.sh
CLI sbb :
vi iptables-script.sh
LANIFACE=venet0 --- jika dedicated server ganti dengan eth0/eth1 sesuao dengan interfacenya
$IPT -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s $VPN -o $LANIFACE -j SNAT --to 204.xx.xx.xx
Setelah scrip siap jalankan script denga perintah sh iptables-script.sh
setelah itu install ptunnel pada server
dengan cara sebagai berikut
wget http://dag.wieers.com/rpm/packages/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm
setelah download selesai ketik kan perintah tersebut
rpm -ivh rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm
setelah compile selesai ketik kan
yum install ptunnel
tunggu sampe instal selesai dan update openssh nya dengan cara sebagai berikut
wget http://layer1.rack911.com/openssh/rhel5/x86_64/openssh-5.2p1-1.x86_64.rpm
wget http://layer1.rack911.com/openssh/rhel5/x86_64/openssh-clients-5.2p1-1.x86_64.rpm
wget http://layer1.rack911.com/openssh/rhel5/x86_64/openssh-server-5.2p1-1.x86_64.rpm
rpm -Uvh openssh*
setelah itu edite config sshd config nya
dengan cara vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# Package generated configuration file
# See the sshd(8) manpage for details
# What ports, IPs and protocols we listen for
Port 22
# Use these options to restrict which interfaces/protocols sshd will bind to
#ListenAddress ::
Protocol 2
# HostKeys for protocol version 2
HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
#Privilege Separation is turned on for security
UsePrivilegeSeparation no
# Lifetime and size of ephemeral version 1 server key
ServerKeyBits 1024
# Logging
SyslogFacility AUTH
LogLevel INFO
# Authentication:
LoginGraceTime 600
PermitRootLogin yes
StrictModes yes
RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
#AuthorizedKeysFile %h/.ssh/authorized_keys
# Don't read the user's ~/.rhosts and ~/.shosts files
IgnoreRhosts yes
# For this to work you will also need host keys in /etc/ssh_known_hosts
RhostsRSAAuthentication no
# similar for protocol version 2
HostbasedAuthentication no
# Uncomment if you don't trust ~/.ssh/known_hosts for RhostsRSAAuthentication
#IgnoreUserKnownHosts yes
# To enable empty passwords, change to yes (NOT RECOMMENDED)
PermitEmptyPasswords no
# Change to yes to enable challenge-response passwords (beware issues with
# some PAM modules and threads)
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
# Change to no to disable tunnelled clear text passwords
#PasswordAuthentication yes
# Kerberos options
#KerberosAuthentication no
#KerberosGetAFSToken no
#KerberosOrLocalPasswd yes
#KerberosTicketCleanup yes
# GSSAPI options
#GSSAPIAuthentication no
#GSSAPICleanupCredentials yes
X11Forwarding yes
X11DisplayOffset 10
PrintMotd no
PrintLastLog yes
TCPKeepAlive yes
#UseLogin no
MaxSessions 40
#MaxStartups 10:30:60
#Banner /etc/issue.net
# Allow client to pass locale environment variables
AcceptEnv LANG LC_*
Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server
UsePAM yes
download dan install lzo dan openvpn
wget http://repo.securityteam.us/repository/redhat/el4/i386/RPMS/openvpn-2.0.9-1.i386.rpm
Install lzo dan openvpn dengan perintah sbb:
rpm –ivh lzo*
rpm –ivh openvpn-2.0.9-1.i386.rpm
Copy easy rsa ke directory openvpn
cp -r /usr/share/doc/openvpn-2.0.9/easy-rsa/ /etc/openvpn/
Membuat certificate
. ./vars Perhatikan, .(spasi).vars
./clean-all #Akan mengosongkan direktori keys/
Kemudian input data sesuai dengan konfigurasi kita, tekan enter untuk variabel yang sebelumnya sudah kita tentukan di file vars, dan sesuaikan Common Name dengan hostname server kita;
Buat server key
./build-key-server ovpnserver
Copy semua file keys dan certificate ke /etc/openvpn
cp keys/* /etc/openvpn
lalu masuk ke direrctory openvpn
cd /etc/openvpn
Buat file configurasi server
vi server.conf
plugin /usr/share/openvpn/plugin/lib/openvpn-auth-pam.so login
port 1194
proto udp
dev tun
ca ca.crt
cert ovpnserver.crt
key ovpnserver.key
dh dh1024.pem
ifconfig-pool-persist ipp2.txt
push "dhcp-option DNS"
push "dhcp-option DNS"
keepalive 10 120
status openvpn-status2.log
log openvpn2.log
verb 3
lalu simpan file konfigurasi
tekan esc lalu :wq!
Jalankan openvpn dengan cli sbb
service openvpn start
Buat konfigurasi file client
dev tun
proto tcp
remote 74.xx.xx.xx 1194
redirect-gateway def1
resolv-retry infinite
ca ca.crt
verb 3
Mefungsikan server sebagai gateway internet
1. enable port forwarding
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
2. mengaktifkan iptables
buat file dengan nama iptables-script.sh
CLI sbb :
vi iptables-script.sh
LANIFACE=venet0 --- jika dedicated server ganti dengan eth0/eth1 sesuao dengan interfacenya
$IPT -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s $VPN -o $LANIFACE -j SNAT --to 204.xx.xx.xx
Setelah scrip siap jalankan script denga perintah sh iptables-script.sh
setelah itu install ptunnel pada server
dengan cara sebagai berikut
wget http://dag.wieers.com/rpm/packages/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm
setelah download selesai ketik kan perintah tersebut
rpm -ivh rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm
setelah compile selesai ketik kan
yum install ptunnel
tunggu sampe instal selesai dan update openssh nya dengan cara sebagai berikut
wget http://layer1.rack911.com/openssh/rhel5/x86_64/openssh-5.2p1-1.x86_64.rpm
wget http://layer1.rack911.com/openssh/rhel5/x86_64/openssh-clients-5.2p1-1.x86_64.rpm
wget http://layer1.rack911.com/openssh/rhel5/x86_64/openssh-server-5.2p1-1.x86_64.rpm
rpm -Uvh openssh*
setelah itu edite config sshd config nya
dengan cara vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# Package generated configuration file
# See the sshd(8) manpage for details
# What ports, IPs and protocols we listen for
Port 22
# Use these options to restrict which interfaces/protocols sshd will bind to
#ListenAddress ::
Protocol 2
# HostKeys for protocol version 2
HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
#Privilege Separation is turned on for security
UsePrivilegeSeparation no
# Lifetime and size of ephemeral version 1 server key
ServerKeyBits 1024
# Logging
SyslogFacility AUTH
LogLevel INFO
# Authentication:
LoginGraceTime 600
PermitRootLogin yes
StrictModes yes
RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
#AuthorizedKeysFile %h/.ssh/authorized_keys
# Don't read the user's ~/.rhosts and ~/.shosts files
IgnoreRhosts yes
# For this to work you will also need host keys in /etc/ssh_known_hosts
RhostsRSAAuthentication no
# similar for protocol version 2
HostbasedAuthentication no
# Uncomment if you don't trust ~/.ssh/known_hosts for RhostsRSAAuthentication
#IgnoreUserKnownHosts yes
# To enable empty passwords, change to yes (NOT RECOMMENDED)
PermitEmptyPasswords no
# Change to yes to enable challenge-response passwords (beware issues with
# some PAM modules and threads)
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
# Change to no to disable tunnelled clear text passwords
#PasswordAuthentication yes
# Kerberos options
#KerberosAuthentication no
#KerberosGetAFSToken no
#KerberosOrLocalPasswd yes
#KerberosTicketCleanup yes
# GSSAPI options
#GSSAPIAuthentication no
#GSSAPICleanupCredentials yes
X11Forwarding yes
X11DisplayOffset 10
PrintMotd no
PrintLastLog yes
TCPKeepAlive yes
#UseLogin no
MaxSessions 40
#MaxStartups 10:30:60
#Banner /etc/issue.net
# Allow client to pass locale environment variables
AcceptEnv LANG LC_*
Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server
UsePAM yes
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Power Directory Submitter
A SEO Tool Designed To Help Your Website Jump Up The Search Engine Rankings!
Some of the Features of DPS:
* Supports phpLD directories which are most popular directory script on the Internet.
* Can be fully automated with decaptcher service.
* Preloaded with 4000 + directories
* Have a very short learning cycle
* Title rotation
* Multiple category support
Some of the Features of DPS:
* Supports phpLD directories which are most popular directory script on the Internet.
* Can be fully automated with decaptcher service.
* Preloaded with 4000 + directories
* Have a very short learning cycle
* Title rotation
* Multiple category support
Optimize Yamicsoft Windows 7 Manager 2.0.4 (x86/x64)
Manager is a system utility that helps you optimize, tweak, and clean up Windows 7. It will increase your system speed, improve system security, and meet all of your expectations.
Why Should I use Windows 7 Manager?
Windows 7 is the newest Operating System for home users and professionals alike. Windows 7 brings clarity to your world, so you can more safely and easily accomplish everyday tasks and instantly find what you want on your PC.
Windows 7 Manager is the powerful software tool to tweak and optimize your Windows 7, it bundles more than 30 different utilities in one and help your system faster and more stable, secure and personal!
Features and Benefits of Windows 7 Manager
Get detailed system and all hardware information on your system; help you find out the installation key of Windows, Office products; show all detailed information of running processes and threads on your machine; Windows 7 Manager offers 1-clicking cleans your system automatically.
Tweak your system to improve windows startup and shutdown speed; tweak your hardware to increase system speed and performance; Optimize Task Schedule to turn off unnecessary system tasks.
Find out which files or folders engross your disk space and shown with chart; Find and clean junk files to increase Hard Disk space; Duplicate Files Finder can scan your computer for files with the same size, name and modification time; Registry Cleaner can easily checks your registry and repair incorrectly linked registry entries, automatically remove invalid entries; Registry Defrag rebuilds and re-indexs your registry to reduce application response time and registry access time.
Control what is started on Windows startup; tune up Windows 7 boot menu; edit context menus of mouse Right-Clicking; customize system desktop, menus, toolbar and notifications settings; automatically change your desktop wallpaper on background.
You can improve desktop, menus, Windows logon securities, and enable numerous hidden performance options of system, disable system updates and error reports; hide and restrict to access drives, specify which applications are not allowed to be executed on your computer; encrypt/decrypt and shred files, change the location of system folders; Privacy Protector can maintain your personal privacy by eliminating the tracks that you leave behind; create lots of randomization password once.
Optimize your Internet connection speed, manage all shares items; tweak your Internet Explorer easily.
Misc. Utilities
Show the collection of Windows utilities; split and merge any file.
Windows 7 Manager 2.0.4 Released!
• System Information updated to v1.5
• Smart Uninstaller updated to v2.4
• Perfect Boot Configuration, add some tweaks.
Why Should I use Windows 7 Manager?
Windows 7 is the newest Operating System for home users and professionals alike. Windows 7 brings clarity to your world, so you can more safely and easily accomplish everyday tasks and instantly find what you want on your PC.
Windows 7 Manager is the powerful software tool to tweak and optimize your Windows 7, it bundles more than 30 different utilities in one and help your system faster and more stable, secure and personal!
Features and Benefits of Windows 7 Manager
Get detailed system and all hardware information on your system; help you find out the installation key of Windows, Office products; show all detailed information of running processes and threads on your machine; Windows 7 Manager offers 1-clicking cleans your system automatically.
Tweak your system to improve windows startup and shutdown speed; tweak your hardware to increase system speed and performance; Optimize Task Schedule to turn off unnecessary system tasks.
Find out which files or folders engross your disk space and shown with chart; Find and clean junk files to increase Hard Disk space; Duplicate Files Finder can scan your computer for files with the same size, name and modification time; Registry Cleaner can easily checks your registry and repair incorrectly linked registry entries, automatically remove invalid entries; Registry Defrag rebuilds and re-indexs your registry to reduce application response time and registry access time.
Control what is started on Windows startup; tune up Windows 7 boot menu; edit context menus of mouse Right-Clicking; customize system desktop, menus, toolbar and notifications settings; automatically change your desktop wallpaper on background.
You can improve desktop, menus, Windows logon securities, and enable numerous hidden performance options of system, disable system updates and error reports; hide and restrict to access drives, specify which applications are not allowed to be executed on your computer; encrypt/decrypt and shred files, change the location of system folders; Privacy Protector can maintain your personal privacy by eliminating the tracks that you leave behind; create lots of randomization password once.
Optimize your Internet connection speed, manage all shares items; tweak your Internet Explorer easily.
Misc. Utilities
Show the collection of Windows utilities; split and merge any file.
Windows 7 Manager 2.0.4 Released!
• System Information updated to v1.5
• Smart Uninstaller updated to v2.4
• Perfect Boot Configuration, add some tweaks.
Submit your website to 250 social bookmarks free!
Hello everyone want free traffic with no hassle? Then visit the following website to do so:
All you do is insert your URL, Title, description, tags and thats it! Get free targeted traffic using this website
All you do is insert your URL, Title, description, tags and thats it! Get free targeted traffic using this website
How to install torrentflux on vps centos 5.5
This is a guide to install (torrent seedbox)torrentflux latest 2.4 on centos 5.5 from scratch! you dont need to know anything because all the steps are clearly provided so don’t hesitate to follow these steps.
First of all you need a dedicated server or vps for installing torrentflux. I recommend getting a vps from Germany hosting provider like www.keyweb.de or like that because most of providers in USA doesn’t like to run torrents on their servers due to copyright issues.
You need a bigger bandwidth at least 300GB, Disk Space and RAM of at least 512MB because this script consumes about 400MB of RAM in most basic configuration.
You need to have centos linux installed to continue these steps if not simply install centos from your provided vps control panel.
You need to download SSH client first like PUTTY http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html
After installing run it and enter your ip address given by vps or dedicated provider to login to your box.
torrentflux How to install torrentflux on centos 5.5
You need to update to latest centos 5.5 first so the run the code below to update the centos operating system. After hit enter this will take time and after finished you will be able to type codes again so wait until it complete.
yum update
Then we need to install apache,mysql,php and curl so run this codes
yum install httpd python php mysql-server php-mysql php-common php-gd php-curl
Now we have installed all the scripts necessary so restart apache by using this code
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
Now we need to create my sql data base user. run this
And we need a apache and mysql to be automatically started if our server reboot. So run this
chkconfig --levels 235 httpd on
chkconfig --levels 235 mysqld on
Then type this to restart mysql
/etc/init.d/mysqld restart
Then wee need to create mysql root password you can use any password for this simply replace YOURPASSHERE with your desired password.
mysqladmin -u root password YOURPASSHERE
Then you need to create a directory to run torrentflux because running on the main directory might give us some problems so please create a directory. Its like normal directory for ex- www.google.com/images ! In this guide I have set the directory as torrentflux you can see it below! Run this code
mkdir /var/www/html/torrentflux
Next you need to download torrentflux and install it so run this codes one by one,
cd /var/www/html/torrentflux/
wget http://softlayer.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/torrentflux/torrentflux_2.4.tar.gz
Default downloaded torrentflux installation files are compressed. So uncompress it by running following codes.
tar -xzf torrentflux_2.4.tar.gz
mv torrentflux_2.4/html/* /var/www/html/torrentflux/
Now lets create a mysql database for torrentflux just like you do for wordpress
run this codes
cd /var/www/html/torrentflux/torrentflux_2.4/sql/
And on this step put your mysql password as you set early in previous steps as YOURPASSHERE
Im creating a database named “torrents” run below codes one by one
mysql -u root -pPassword: YOURPASSHEREmysql>create database torrents;mysql>q
And run this too also replace YOURPASSHERE with your preset password when prompted after running first line of command
mysql torrentflux < mysql_torrentflux.sql -u root -pPassword: YOURPASSHERE
Then you need to create a directory to store downloaded files. Im making a directory called downloads. Also run these commands one by one
mkdir /downloads chmod 777 /downloadschown apache.apache /downloads
Now we need to edit torrentflux configuration file, (like we edit wordpress’s wp-config.php )
You need to install nano text editor so run this commands one by one
yum install nanonano /var/www/html/torrentflux/config.php
then nano text editor will display following sheet. Its your torrentflux config.php file! You can navigate by arrow keys and enter the database details on that. You can edit it just like you edit file in windows notepad.
/**************************************************************************/// YOUR DATABASE CONNECTION INFORMATION/**************************************************************************/// Check the adodb/drivers/ directory for support for your database// you may choose from many (mysql is the default)$cfg["db_type"] = "mysql"; // mysql, postgres7, postgres8 view adodb/drivers/$cfg["db_host"] = "localhost"; // DB host computer name or IP$cfg["db_name"] = "torrents"; // Name of the Database$cfg["db_user"] = "root"; // username for your MySQL database$cfg["db_pass"] = "YOURPASSHERE"; // password for database/**************************************************************************/
After editing to correct database details. Press your keyboards Ctrl (Control key) and when holding Ctrl press O ( Not zero) then release the both keys (Ctrl+O) and it will ask you to save the edited file then press enter to confirm.
For exit press and hold Ctrl and then press X ( Ctrl+X)
Then tighten up your security little bit. Run these commands on ssh.
chmod -R 755 /var/www/chown -R apache.apache /var/www/
Then restart apache and mysql services
/etc/init.d/httpd restart/etc/init.d/mysqld restart
Yeah! Its 100% complete navigate to http://yourip/torrentflux/
First of all you need a dedicated server or vps for installing torrentflux. I recommend getting a vps from Germany hosting provider like www.keyweb.de or like that because most of providers in USA doesn’t like to run torrents on their servers due to copyright issues.
You need a bigger bandwidth at least 300GB, Disk Space and RAM of at least 512MB because this script consumes about 400MB of RAM in most basic configuration.
You need to have centos linux installed to continue these steps if not simply install centos from your provided vps control panel.
You need to download SSH client first like PUTTY http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html
After installing run it and enter your ip address given by vps or dedicated provider to login to your box.
torrentflux How to install torrentflux on centos 5.5
You need to update to latest centos 5.5 first so the run the code below to update the centos operating system. After hit enter this will take time and after finished you will be able to type codes again so wait until it complete.
yum update
Then we need to install apache,mysql,php and curl so run this codes
yum install httpd python php mysql-server php-mysql php-common php-gd php-curl
Now we have installed all the scripts necessary so restart apache by using this code
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
Now we need to create my sql data base user. run this
And we need a apache and mysql to be automatically started if our server reboot. So run this
chkconfig --levels 235 httpd on
chkconfig --levels 235 mysqld on
Then type this to restart mysql
/etc/init.d/mysqld restart
Then wee need to create mysql root password you can use any password for this simply replace YOURPASSHERE with your desired password.
mysqladmin -u root password YOURPASSHERE
Then you need to create a directory to run torrentflux because running on the main directory might give us some problems so please create a directory. Its like normal directory for ex- www.google.com/images ! In this guide I have set the directory as torrentflux you can see it below! Run this code
mkdir /var/www/html/torrentflux
Next you need to download torrentflux and install it so run this codes one by one,
cd /var/www/html/torrentflux/
wget http://softlayer.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/torrentflux/torrentflux_2.4.tar.gz
Default downloaded torrentflux installation files are compressed. So uncompress it by running following codes.
tar -xzf torrentflux_2.4.tar.gz
mv torrentflux_2.4/html/* /var/www/html/torrentflux/
Now lets create a mysql database for torrentflux just like you do for wordpress
run this codes
cd /var/www/html/torrentflux/torrentflux_2.4/sql/
And on this step put your mysql password as you set early in previous steps as YOURPASSHERE
Im creating a database named “torrents” run below codes one by one
mysql -u root -pPassword: YOURPASSHEREmysql>create database torrents;mysql>q
And run this too also replace YOURPASSHERE with your preset password when prompted after running first line of command
mysql torrentflux < mysql_torrentflux.sql -u root -pPassword: YOURPASSHERE
Then you need to create a directory to store downloaded files. Im making a directory called downloads. Also run these commands one by one
mkdir /downloads chmod 777 /downloadschown apache.apache /downloads
Now we need to edit torrentflux configuration file, (like we edit wordpress’s wp-config.php )
You need to install nano text editor so run this commands one by one
yum install nanonano /var/www/html/torrentflux/config.php
then nano text editor will display following sheet. Its your torrentflux config.php file! You can navigate by arrow keys and enter the database details on that. You can edit it just like you edit file in windows notepad.
/**************************************************************************/// YOUR DATABASE CONNECTION INFORMATION/**************************************************************************/// Check the adodb/drivers/ directory for support for your database// you may choose from many (mysql is the default)$cfg["db_type"] = "mysql"; // mysql, postgres7, postgres8 view adodb/drivers/$cfg["db_host"] = "localhost"; // DB host computer name or IP$cfg["db_name"] = "torrents"; // Name of the Database$cfg["db_user"] = "root"; // username for your MySQL database$cfg["db_pass"] = "YOURPASSHERE"; // password for database/**************************************************************************/
After editing to correct database details. Press your keyboards Ctrl (Control key) and when holding Ctrl press O ( Not zero) then release the both keys (Ctrl+O) and it will ask you to save the edited file then press enter to confirm.
For exit press and hold Ctrl and then press X ( Ctrl+X)
Then tighten up your security little bit. Run these commands on ssh.
chmod -R 755 /var/www/chown -R apache.apache /var/www/
Then restart apache and mysql services
/etc/init.d/httpd restart/etc/init.d/mysqld restart
Yeah! Its 100% complete navigate to http://yourip/torrentflux/
[Tutorial] Compress your CSS Code to make your site load fast
Why to compress CSS file
* It cleans up your CSS code.
* Makes CSS editing easy
* Fast loading of template
How to compress CSS files
1. First copy all the code present in your style.css file
2. Now open CSS Compressor from here
3. Keep the default options as it is but put a tick on One rule per line
4. Paste the code in the first textbox i.e Code In and click on Compress
5. Your new compressed code will appear in the second textbox i.e Code Out, copy the whole code from there and replace it with the old one and you’re done!
Link to the CSS Compressor :
* It cleans up your CSS code.
* Makes CSS editing easy
* Fast loading of template
How to compress CSS files
1. First copy all the code present in your style.css file
2. Now open CSS Compressor from here
3. Keep the default options as it is but put a tick on One rule per line
4. Paste the code in the first textbox i.e Code In and click on Compress
5. Your new compressed code will appear in the second textbox i.e Code Out, copy the whole code from there and replace it with the old one and you’re done!
Link to the CSS Compressor :
Get Free targeted Traffic To Ur website
Hi everyone,
Here is a simple SEO tricks which can give u some backinks and some targetted traffic.
The best thisng is U dont need to pay anything,its absolutly free.
In this methood we r going to use Rapidshare to get free traffic bUT u can use any other populoar uploading site.
1..Create a account on Rapidshare
2..Upload a file.
5..Ovserve it will change ur download link.Now copy the download link
and save it to on ur website footer in plain text.Its importent u save link as plain text and its vissible on ur website.
And thats all….seat back and wait untill RAPIDSHARE index the link.
So every time ppl will search with those keyword…ur website will be there+they will be redirected..
So that was a easy way to get targetted traffic right???
Hope u understand the full game.
I m not saying u will get 1000 visitor a day from it but never forget
Here is a simple SEO tricks which can give u some backinks and some targetted traffic.
The best thisng is U dont need to pay anything,its absolutly free.
In this methood we r going to use Rapidshare to get free traffic bUT u can use any other populoar uploading site.
1..Create a account on Rapidshare
2..Upload a file.
5..Ovserve it will change ur download link.Now copy the download link
and save it to on ur website footer in plain text.Its importent u save link as plain text and its vissible on ur website.
And thats all….seat back and wait untill RAPIDSHARE index the link.
So every time ppl will search with those keyword…ur website will be there+they will be redirected..
So that was a easy way to get targetted traffic right???
Hope u understand the full game.
I m not saying u will get 1000 visitor a day from it but never forget
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Power Directory Submitter
A SEO Tool Designed To Help Your Website Jump Up The Search Engine Rankings!
Some of the Features of DPS:
* Supports phpLD directories which are most popular directory script on the Internet.
* Can be fully automated with decaptcher service.
* Preloaded with 4000 + directories
* Have a very short learning cycle
* Title rotation
* Multiple category support
Some of the Features of DPS:
* Supports phpLD directories which are most popular directory script on the Internet.
* Can be fully automated with decaptcher service.
* Preloaded with 4000 + directories
* Have a very short learning cycle
* Title rotation
* Multiple category support
Friday, December 10, 2010
Yahoo messenger support Facebook chat
Yahoo messenger support Facebook chat
Yahoo messenger ads Remover
Yahoo messenger ads Remover
Panda USB Vaccine (Antimalware) Review
I have wrote a article about free antimalware software before, Panda USB Vaccine is one more free antimalware utility from Panda Research Group. Panda USB Vaccine helps in preventing malware infections caused by USB and CD/DVD’s. Autorun-based malware attacks are very common nowadays. Panda USB vaccine free utility helps in disabling autorun in Windows completely, so whenever you connect any other external flash memory device’s like USB and CD/DVDs this won’t let programs to auto execute.
panda usb vaccine
We can still disable auto run file (AUTORUN.INF) in Windows manually, but it’s quiet difficult for non-technical person to disable specific Autorun feature by changing the registry value.
Panda USB Vaccine Features
* Panda USB Vaccine supports NTFS drives and any removable drives.
* This software can auto-update itself and has consumes less memory 700 kilobytes.
User has 2 Options to Run Panda USB Vaccine
* Vaccine for computers: It disables auto-run completely, this is applicable for all the programs from any Flash memory stick CD and DVD drives.
* Vaccine for USB devices: This is applicable only for USB devices, once auto-run file for USB is disabled then your computer won’t be able to read any malicious code
panda usb vaccine
We can still disable auto run file (AUTORUN.INF) in Windows manually, but it’s quiet difficult for non-technical person to disable specific Autorun feature by changing the registry value.
Panda USB Vaccine Features
* Panda USB Vaccine supports NTFS drives and any removable drives.
* This software can auto-update itself and has consumes less memory 700 kilobytes.
User has 2 Options to Run Panda USB Vaccine
* Vaccine for computers: It disables auto-run completely, this is applicable for all the programs from any Flash memory stick CD and DVD drives.
* Vaccine for USB devices: This is applicable only for USB devices, once auto-run file for USB is disabled then your computer won’t be able to read any malicious code
Thursday, December 9, 2010
RC Helicopter
Size : 49.5mb
Language : English
full iso image
Realistic remote-control helicopter simulation
- Based on real fight dynamics for small craft
- Analog Controller simulates true RC feel
- Three distinct camera angles
- For one player
Language : English
full iso image
Realistic remote-control helicopter simulation
- Based on real fight dynamics for small craft
- Analog Controller simulates true RC feel
- Three distinct camera angles
- For one player
ClearView RC Flight Simulator 5.24 | 65.48MB
Genre: Simulation/ Flight Simulator Game
Professional quality RC flight simulator for radio controlled planes and helicopters. This is not a game. ClearView specializes in "real life" simulation of electric, glow and gas RC helicopters and planes, including TRex 450, Blade CX, CP and CP Pro, Hone Bee, Raptor 60 and 90 and many others. The RC planes range from light weight electric 'Shockflier', to 100 size 4 stroke aerobatic Pitts Special to turbine driven F15 Eagle and F-16 Fighting Falcon. Learn to fly without fear of crash and expensive repairs.
Professional quality RC flight simulator for radio controlled planes and helicopters. This is not a game. ClearView specializes in "real life" simulation of electric, glow and gas RC helicopters and planes, including TRex 450, Blade CX, CP and CP Pro, Hone Bee, Raptor 60 and 90 and many others. The RC planes range from light weight electric 'Shockflier', to 100 size 4 stroke aerobatic Pitts Special to turbine driven F15 Eagle and F-16 Fighting Falcon. Learn to fly without fear of crash and expensive repairs.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Download Programnya
1. http://www.ziddu.com/download/12929507/ISPCE.rar.html
Trik Internet Gratis Indosat StarOne Terbaru 7 Desember 2010
Ada lagi nih, trik ngenet gratis di PC !
Kali ini trik khusus untuk pengguna kartu Star0ne punya indosat ! Tentunya ini merupakan kabar yg sangat gembira buat tmen2 yg pake kartu StarOne.

Baiklah, Langsung aja ya, aq kasih triknya buat tmen2!
Berikut parameter yang diperlukan :
Jika Anda menggunakan browser Mozilla firefox , pilih Tool > option > advanced > network > setting > pilih manual proxy configuration, kemudian masukkan proxy berikut ;
kemudian centang use this proxy for all protocol. Proxy ini bagus karena bisa membuka halaman-halaman dengan ssl 128 bit seperti yahoo!mail, egold, gmail, internet banking, dll. Tentu aja bisa membuka halaman facebook juga yang menjadi kegemaran kamu, lakukan dial cdma-mu, kemudian mulai deh browsingnya. Gampang kan !!!
Saya akhiri dg mengucapkan SELAMAT MENCOBA & SEMOGA BERHASIL !!!
Kali ini trik khusus untuk pengguna kartu Star0ne punya indosat ! Tentunya ini merupakan kabar yg sangat gembira buat tmen2 yg pake kartu StarOne.
Baiklah, Langsung aja ya, aq kasih triknya buat tmen2!
Berikut parameter yang diperlukan :
Jika Anda menggunakan browser Mozilla firefox , pilih Tool > option > advanced > network > setting > pilih manual proxy configuration, kemudian masukkan proxy berikut ;
kemudian centang use this proxy for all protocol. Proxy ini bagus karena bisa membuka halaman-halaman dengan ssl 128 bit seperti yahoo!mail, egold, gmail, internet banking, dll. Tentu aja bisa membuka halaman facebook juga yang menjadi kegemaran kamu, lakukan dial cdma-mu, kemudian mulai deh browsingnya. Gampang kan !!!
Saya akhiri dg mengucapkan SELAMAT MENCOBA & SEMOGA BERHASIL !!!
How to save/download video from youtube ?
Why you should download/save videos from youtube :
You found an interesting video from youtube and you want to save/download it to your computer and later share it with your friend or keep it as a collection. However, by default Youtube doesn't allow users to save/download the videos. It only allow user to send a hyperlink to the friends and invite them to go to youtube website to view the videos.
It will become a problem because these video may gone forever due to copyright infringement issues, why not save/download the video before it's too late ?
Steps to save/download the video from youtube
For Internet Explorer (PC) users :
1) Click your favourite video clip, you can see the URL in your browser becomes something like this :

2) highlight the URL (like above) and right click the mouse and select "copy"
3) Paste the URL at our download page (our download page not only can download youtube video, but also google video , myspace video and more)
4) When the download link shows, You should right-click -> "Save Target As" OR copy and paste the link into your download manager. Note: You must change the file extension to .flv
5) The .flv file is not a common multimedia file, you need a software called FLV player to play it. Click here to get Free FLV Player
6) Install the FLV player into your computer.
7) Select the video clip that you downloaded and play
8) If you want to convert the FLV video and play it in IPod, PSP, mobile phone(3GP format), then you need to download FLV Converter.
You found an interesting video from youtube and you want to save/download it to your computer and later share it with your friend or keep it as a collection. However, by default Youtube doesn't allow users to save/download the videos. It only allow user to send a hyperlink to the friends and invite them to go to youtube website to view the videos.
It will become a problem because these video may gone forever due to copyright infringement issues, why not save/download the video before it's too late ?
Steps to save/download the video from youtube
For Internet Explorer (PC) users :
1) Click your favourite video clip, you can see the URL in your browser becomes something like this :
2) highlight the URL (like above) and right click the mouse and select "copy"
3) Paste the URL at our download page (our download page not only can download youtube video, but also google video , myspace video and more)
4) When the download link shows, You should right-click -> "Save Target As" OR copy and paste the link into your download manager. Note: You must change the file extension to .flv
5) The .flv file is not a common multimedia file, you need a software called FLV player to play it. Click here to get Free FLV Player
6) Install the FLV player into your computer.
7) Select the video clip that you downloaded and play
8) If you want to convert the FLV video and play it in IPod, PSP, mobile phone(3GP format), then you need to download FLV Converter.
How to Boost BitTorrent Download Speeds
If you use a bitTorrent program to download MP3s, music videos, and other types of files from legal BitTorrent sites, then you may have found at times that your downloads can be painfully slow. To boost your file sharing download speeds, you can use a P2P accelerator program. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to use the freeware program, FeyAccelerator, to give your BitTorrent downloads a boost. This small program
How To Use Charles Web Debugging Proxy
Download Charles Proxy Debugging Tool [ link 1 | link 2 | link 3 ]
[instructions to get cracked version] .This version allows you to remove time limit and you can use all the features.
You will need JAVA to be able to run Charles. [Download]
1. After installing Charles, make sure the proxy is recording so just follow these settings in the screenshot.
[instructions to get cracked version] .This version allows you to remove time limit and you can use all the features.
You will need JAVA to be able to run Charles. [Download]
1. After installing Charles, make sure the proxy is recording so just follow these settings in the screenshot.
How to Block/Bypass and Remove Survey Pop-ups
Survey pop-ups are one of the most annoying stuff on the web, specially while watching free tv episodes. The sad part is some of the popular sites are killing their visitors by adding CPAlead and other survey ads. These types of ads can only be skipped after completing a survey.
While most of the surveys are scams or requires money to complete, they are bound to get on your nerves. Sometimes, you might not have any alternative but to complete the survey. Not to worry, we have 2 simple hacks to bypass cpalead survey ads which are explained in detail below.
While most of the surveys are scams or requires money to complete, they are bound to get on your nerves. Sometimes, you might not have any alternative but to complete the survey. Not to worry, we have 2 simple hacks to bypass cpalead survey ads which are explained in detail below.
How To Get All Apps For Free On Any Android Phone
this is going to be a short tutorial on how to get any paid app for free on the new htc evo the first 4g phone from sprint, also the DROID from verizon Or any other andriod phone.
Step by step:
Step by step:
iDFX Plus Make your iPod sound better
What is iDFX?
iDFX is a software accessory for iTunes. By using advanced patent-pending processing, iDFX enhances your existing MP3 and AAC song files, and for the first time your iPod will provide the rich full sound quality of the original CD recordings.
iDFX Key Features:
For direct - download
iDFX is a software accessory for iTunes. By using advanced patent-pending processing, iDFX enhances your existing MP3 and AAC song files, and for the first time your iPod will provide the rich full sound quality of the original CD recordings.
iDFX Key Features:
- Enhances your entire iTunes library with one click
- Automatically sets all songs to the same playback volume
- Full speed CD ripping with iDFX enhancement applied
For direct - download
Boot Multiple ISO from USB (MultiBoot USB)
How to create a Multiboot USB Flash Drive that you can use to Boot Multiple ISO Files from USB. Please note that you might need a 8GB-16GB or larger USB flash device to be able to support every bootable ISO entry. I will update and add more Bootable ISO files to the list as I find the time to test them. You can also contact me to submit working Bootable Linux ISO menu.lst entries for inclusion.
MultiBoot USB Menu (Simply select an ISO to boot from USB)
MultiBoot USB Menu (Simply select an ISO to boot from USB)
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Solaris IPv6 tunnel setup
IPv4 Internet addresses, 32 bits in length, are running out. The replacement is IPv6 addresses, which are 128 bits. Ten years ago, IPv6 was in an experimental stage for several operating systems. On Linux, experimental patches, modules, and binaries were available, which I cobbled together to enable IPv6 on my home network. To test my old IPv6 setup, I decided to join a IPv6 test network, 6bone which was composed mainly of IPv6 over IPv4 tunnels. My main contribution was correcting & clarifying Peter Bieringer's Linux+IPv6 HOWTO.
Since IPv4 addresses are running out, it may be a good idea to IPv6-enable your computer or network IPv6 enabled. I'll show you how you can configure a Solaris system using Hurricane Electric's (HE's) free IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel service, which uses IP Protocol 41. This tunnel allows you to connect your IPv6-enabled computer or network (at home or work) to HE's IPv6 network. This is necessary because most ISPs don't
Since IPv4 addresses are running out, it may be a good idea to IPv6-enable your computer or network IPv6 enabled. I'll show you how you can configure a Solaris system using Hurricane Electric's (HE's) free IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel service, which uses IP Protocol 41. This tunnel allows you to connect your IPv6-enabled computer or network (at home or work) to HE's IPv6 network. This is necessary because most ISPs don't
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Seting up a new ssh user on a centos box
I'm new to setting up users on SSH. I have a centos bos, but not sure how to setup new users so that they are able to connect via ssh
To create normal users you can use either the
To check if sshd is running type
In a default configuration, with ssh enabled, all normal users are allowed to connect via ssh.To create normal users you can use either the
tool, or the useradd
command.To check if sshd is running type
And look for output similar tochkconfig --list sshd
sshd 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off
Moreover, the firewall must also allow ssh. Default behavior during install is to have ssh enabled, with the firewall allowing access. You can configure the firewall by using the system-config-securitylevel-tui
utility and selecting 'Customize'. Or you can check the firewall configuration directly by issuingiptables -L
Monday, November 29, 2010
RapidShare download link generator
http://www.rapidfile.us/ http://www.rapidloader.info/ http://www.rapitshare.info/ http://www.rapidshare.co.in/ http://www.nbe-media.com/download/index.php http://rapidpass.us.to/ http://www.rapidrip.info/ http://www.rsgenerator.net/ http://www.rsfox.com/generator.php http://www.rapidunblock.com/
Kloxo error (network.c.336)
service kloxo restart Stopping kloxo: ../bin/common/function.sh: line 28: 23988 Terminated $__path_server_exe $string >/dev/null 2>&1 Waiting for the process to die..... Stopped kloxo Starting kloxo: 11 2010-09-03 03:26:02: (network.c.336) SSL: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0) mysqld (pid 5559) is running... Started kloxo
# rpm -e sendmail-cf# yum update# yum install lxlighttpd# /etc/init.d/kloxo restart
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
yum error thread.error: can’t start new thread in Centos
untuk error kayak gitu sebenarnya ada 2 solusi. solusi sementara ma solusi selamanya. 
untuk solusi sementara ini bro :
untuk cara selamanya alias g sementara kayak gini ni :
cukup itu aja share gw. moga2 bermanfaat
untuk solusi sementara ini bro :
itu script untuk update , jika untuk install sofware lainnya yang penting ditambahkan script “–disableplugin=fastestmirror” . itu untuk cara sementara.yum –disableplugin=fastestmirror update
untuk cara selamanya alias g sementara kayak gini ni :
maka muncul config seperti inivi /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/fastestmirror.conf
yang perlu dirubah adalah[main]
ini digunakan untuk menonaktifkan plugins fastestmirror yang menjadi sumber masalah.enabled=1 >> enabled=0
cukup itu aja share gw. moga2 bermanfaat
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Install WordPress On Centos Server
How to install wordpress on your centos server..?? lets do it : Before install wordpress on your vps, mysql must be installed on your sever…
Login to your root server :
mysql -u root -p
Enter Password:
mysql> create database wordpress;
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON wordpress.* TO “wordpress”@”localhost” IDENTIFIED BY “password”;
mysql> exit;
Login to your root server :
mysql -u root -p
Enter Password:
mysql> create database wordpress;
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON wordpress.* TO “wordpress”@”localhost” IDENTIFIED BY “password”;
mysql> exit;
Sunday, November 21, 2010
How To Avoid / Bypass MegaVideo Time Limit Of 72 Minutes
This post is for all the MegaVideo fans who wish to avoid / bypass MegaVideo time limit of 72 minutes. Watching videos online is so much fun but when something like this 72 min stipulation blocks the online video streaming you do get angry. So, here are some good ways to avoid / bypass this time limit.
9 Fix For Firefox 3 Crashes & Hanging Problem
Firefox 3 is one of Best Open Source Browser and highly Secure Browser. With the Release of Firefox 3 on Download Day it has made the way to millions of users Computer. Majority of Users are happy with Firefox 3 which has improved Memory Management and Speed. Even i have felt that memory Consumption is reduced alot and WebPages loads way faster then older Firefox version. Read how you can Tweak Firefox 3 about:config to get more out of Firefox 3.
But some of users are not happy just because of some of random Crashes of Firefox 3. This is really frustrating for them. Many Users have reported that this Crashes never happened with them before. After Searching around whole day I got some of Fixes for Firefox 3 Crashes This might help some Users .
Firefox 3 Crash – Extensions & Add-on:
How To Find Drivers For Unknown Devices
These days you get drivers with any sort of hardware you purchase. What if you lose those drivers? How to find drivers for unknown devices? Is there any way to get back those drivers? You can search for the drivers on Internet if you know all the details about the hardware, what if you are hardly aware of any details.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Files on External/Flash Drive Changed to Shortcuts Virus
I caught a virus on my flash drive at work and it appears to have changed all my file names to short cuts. I believe I’ve cleaned the virus but how do i get my files back so that I can view them?
* If you did not format your flash drive, then check whether the files are not in hidden mode.
* Click on “Start” –>Run–>type cmd and click on OK.
I caught a virus on my flash drive at work and it appears to have changed all my file names to short cuts. I believe I’ve cleaned the virus but how do i get my files back so that I can view them?
* If you did not format your flash drive, then check whether the files are not in hidden mode.
* Click on “Start” –>Run–>type cmd and click on OK.
4 Ways to Speed Up Your Computers Performance
Free Up Disk Space
By freeing disk space, you can improve the performance of your computer. The Disk Cleanup tool helps you free up space on your hard disk. The utility identifies files that you can safely delete, and then enables you to choose whether you want to delete some or all of the identified files.
Use Disk Cleanup to:
• Remove temporary Internet files.
• Remove downloaded program files (such as Microsoft ActiveX controls and Java applets).
• Empty the Recycle Bin.
• Remove Windows temporary files.
• Remove optional Windows components that you don’t use.
By freeing disk space, you can improve the performance of your computer. The Disk Cleanup tool helps you free up space on your hard disk. The utility identifies files that you can safely delete, and then enables you to choose whether you want to delete some or all of the identified files.
Use Disk Cleanup to:
• Remove temporary Internet files.
• Remove downloaded program files (such as Microsoft ActiveX controls and Java applets).
• Empty the Recycle Bin.
• Remove Windows temporary files.
• Remove optional Windows components that you don’t use.
Download Windows 7/Direct3D 11 (DirectX 11)
Microsoft has been continuously evolving DirectX to implement latest graphics technology features and to support wide varieties of games, Display devices. After making DirectX 10 available for windows Vista here is next version DirectX 11 with Direct3D 11 which is available for download as technical preview.
Windows 7/Direct3D 11 Technical Preview is part of DirectX SDK and contains Technical Preview of Direct2D, DirectWrite, DXGI 1.1. Good news is, it is not only available as Technical Preview but also as DirectX End-User Runtimes.
Windows 7/Direct3D 11 (DirectX 11) is supported on Windows 7 and Windows Vista only. Windows XP users cannot install DirectX 11.
Download Windows 7/Direct3D 11 (DirectX 11) (Web Installer)
Source: Softpedia
Windows 7/Direct3D 11 Technical Preview is part of DirectX SDK and contains Technical Preview of Direct2D, DirectWrite, DXGI 1.1. Good news is, it is not only available as Technical Preview but also as DirectX End-User Runtimes.
Windows 7/Direct3D 11 (DirectX 11) is supported on Windows 7 and Windows Vista only. Windows XP users cannot install DirectX 11.
Download Windows 7/Direct3D 11 (DirectX 11)
Download Windows 7/Direct3D 11 (DirectX 11) (SDK)Download Windows 7/Direct3D 11 (DirectX 11) (Web Installer)
Source: Softpedia
21 About:Config Hacks(Tweaks) For Firefox 3
To get the Firefox 3 configuration file type “about:config” at address bar.
Here is List of about:config hacks for Firefox 3
1) Disable Extension Compatibility Checks
extensions.checkCompatibility = False
extensions.checkUpdateSecurity = False
2) Location Bar (Set number Auto Complete URL at Address Bar)
Here is List of about:config hacks for Firefox 3
1) Disable Extension Compatibility Checks
extensions.checkCompatibility = False
extensions.checkUpdateSecurity = False
2) Location Bar (Set number Auto Complete URL at Address Bar)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Google Chrome 7.0.517.44 Stable / 9.0.576.0 Dev – Offline Installer
Chrome adalah sebuah browser besutan dari Google yang dirancang untuk membuka sebuah website lebih cepat dan aman. Dengan tampilannya yang minimmalis dan efisien tentu akan mempermudah para penggunanya diseluruh dunia. Chrome juga diklaim sebagai browser yang sangat ringan
Chrome Browser saat ini hadir dengan versi Google Chrome 7.0.517.44 Stable dan 9.0.576.0 Dev. Stable adalah versi Final yang sudah benar-benar stabil yang sudah melewati versi dev dan beta. Sedangkan Dev adalah sebuah rillis terbaru dari versi Chrome untuk mencoba fitur-fitur terbaru yang sedang dikembangkan oleh Google Chrome
Perbedaan versi Dev, Beta, & Stable – Sesuai urutan keluarnya :
* Dev - versi browser yang paling rentan kena bug, tapi penggunanya adalah yang paling awal bisa mencoba fitur-fitur terbaru. Versi untuk uji coba fitur2 baru di Chrome. Khusus untuk mereka yang ingin membantu Google dalam melaporkan bug2 yang ditemukan. Sama seperti versi beta, dev juga sudah bisa memakai extensions
* Beta - versi browser yang sudah melewati tahap dev, biasa setiap bulan versi dev akan dipromosikan ke versi beta ini. Klo mau coba pakai extensions minimal harus pakai versi ini.
* Stable – versi browser yang sudah melewati tahapan dev & beta, dan berarti sudah sudah bisa dikatakan benar-benar stabil & aman dipakai oleh semua orang. Dan sejak versi nomor sudah stable, maka para pengguna versi stable ini sudah bisa menggunakan extensions seperti halnya pengguna versi Dev & Beta.
Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. It has one box for everything: Type in the address bar and get suggestions for both search and web pages. Will give you thumbnails of your top sites; Access your favorite pages instantly with lightning speed from any new tab.
Google Chrome is an open source web browser developed by Google. Its software architecture was engineered from scratch (using components from other open source software including WebKit and Mozilla Firefox) to cater for the changing needs of users and acknowledging that today most web sites aren’t web pages but web applications. Design goals include stability, speed, security and a clean, simple and efficient user interface.
Here are some key features of Google Chrome :
* Speed: Fast to launch, fast to load web pages
* Quick to start up from your desktop
* Loads web pages in a snap
* Runs web applications faster than ever
* Simplicity: Designed for efficiency and ease of use
* Search and navigate to web pages from the same box
* Arrange and organize tabs however you wish — quickly and easily
* Get to your favorite websites with just a click, from the thumbnails of your most visited sites in the New Tab page
* Style: Themes to add delight to your browser
* Try Minimalist, Star Gazing, or Google Chrome Artist Themes.
* One box for everything
* New Tab page
* Application shortcuts
* Dynamic tabs
* Crash control
* Incognito mode
* Safe browsing
* Instant bookmarks
* Importing settings
* Simpler downloads
Chrome Browser saat ini hadir dengan versi Google Chrome 7.0.517.44 Stable dan 9.0.576.0 Dev. Stable adalah versi Final yang sudah benar-benar stabil yang sudah melewati versi dev dan beta. Sedangkan Dev adalah sebuah rillis terbaru dari versi Chrome untuk mencoba fitur-fitur terbaru yang sedang dikembangkan oleh Google Chrome
Perbedaan versi Dev, Beta, & Stable – Sesuai urutan keluarnya :
* Dev - versi browser yang paling rentan kena bug, tapi penggunanya adalah yang paling awal bisa mencoba fitur-fitur terbaru. Versi untuk uji coba fitur2 baru di Chrome. Khusus untuk mereka yang ingin membantu Google dalam melaporkan bug2 yang ditemukan. Sama seperti versi beta, dev juga sudah bisa memakai extensions
* Beta - versi browser yang sudah melewati tahap dev, biasa setiap bulan versi dev akan dipromosikan ke versi beta ini. Klo mau coba pakai extensions minimal harus pakai versi ini.
* Stable – versi browser yang sudah melewati tahapan dev & beta, dan berarti sudah sudah bisa dikatakan benar-benar stabil & aman dipakai oleh semua orang. Dan sejak versi nomor sudah stable, maka para pengguna versi stable ini sudah bisa menggunakan extensions seperti halnya pengguna versi Dev & Beta.
Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. It has one box for everything: Type in the address bar and get suggestions for both search and web pages. Will give you thumbnails of your top sites; Access your favorite pages instantly with lightning speed from any new tab.
Google Chrome is an open source web browser developed by Google. Its software architecture was engineered from scratch (using components from other open source software including WebKit and Mozilla Firefox) to cater for the changing needs of users and acknowledging that today most web sites aren’t web pages but web applications. Design goals include stability, speed, security and a clean, simple and efficient user interface.
Here are some key features of Google Chrome :
* Speed: Fast to launch, fast to load web pages
* Quick to start up from your desktop
* Loads web pages in a snap
* Runs web applications faster than ever
* Simplicity: Designed for efficiency and ease of use
* Search and navigate to web pages from the same box
* Arrange and organize tabs however you wish — quickly and easily
* Get to your favorite websites with just a click, from the thumbnails of your most visited sites in the New Tab page
* Style: Themes to add delight to your browser
* Try Minimalist, Star Gazing, or Google Chrome Artist Themes.
* One box for everything
* New Tab page
* Application shortcuts
* Dynamic tabs
* Crash control
* Incognito mode
* Safe browsing
* Instant bookmarks
* Importing settings
* Simpler downloads
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
WinUtilities 9.92 Professional Edition Portable | 8.6 MB
WinUtilities is a system tweaking suite that includes more than 20 tools to improve and tweak your PC's performance. It offers an attractive and easy to use interface that organizes all tasks into categories and provides graphical statistics whenever possible. The tools include Junk File Cleaner, Registry Cleaner, Memory Optimizer, System Information, Registry Backup, File Encryption, Safe Uninstaller, Duplicate File Finder, File Shredder and much more. WinUtilities also includes an Internet Tracks Eraser with Cookie Manager and Secure Deletion. Overall, a great bundle that offers a wide range of system tools with extra benefits which are not easy to find.
• Recovers deleted files on NTFS and FAT volumes
• Cleans disks from information that clogs your system and reduces the performance of your computer
• Scans the Windows registry and finds incorrect or obsolete information in the Windows Registry
• Helps you to easily manage program execution at windows startup
• Erases all traces of activity on your computer, save spaces and protect your privacy
• Splits any type of file into smaller pieces and rejoin them to the original file
• Erases files and make sure that no data thief can get his hands on your sensitive data
• Protects any Windows executable file with a secure password
• Optimizes the Memory Management of Windows
• Helps you to free disk space by finding and removing duplicate files from your system
• Provides you with an easy way to address the invalid shortcuts and reports back to you so that you can remove it from your system
• Allows you to check your system's performance and manage the running processes
• Manages the programs installed on your system and uninstall unneeded software
• Shows you the detailed information for your computer hardware and software
• Back up and restore the Windows Registry
• Searchs the Windows Registry by a specific wildcard. then you can delete or export them
• Manages the BHOs that are currently installed
• Schedules your computer for log off, stand by, hibernate, or shutdown at a specific time
• Provides you an easy way to launch the utilities build in Windows
• Organizes and manage your Windows Settings
• Configures the cleaning tasks that take place automatically
link: http://www.ziddu.com/download/12576775/WinUtilities.rar.html
• Recovers deleted files on NTFS and FAT volumes
• Cleans disks from information that clogs your system and reduces the performance of your computer
• Scans the Windows registry and finds incorrect or obsolete information in the Windows Registry
• Helps you to easily manage program execution at windows startup
• Erases all traces of activity on your computer, save spaces and protect your privacy
• Splits any type of file into smaller pieces and rejoin them to the original file
• Erases files and make sure that no data thief can get his hands on your sensitive data
• Protects any Windows executable file with a secure password
• Optimizes the Memory Management of Windows
• Helps you to free disk space by finding and removing duplicate files from your system
• Provides you with an easy way to address the invalid shortcuts and reports back to you so that you can remove it from your system
• Allows you to check your system's performance and manage the running processes
• Manages the programs installed on your system and uninstall unneeded software
• Shows you the detailed information for your computer hardware and software
• Back up and restore the Windows Registry
• Searchs the Windows Registry by a specific wildcard. then you can delete or export them
• Manages the BHOs that are currently installed
• Schedules your computer for log off, stand by, hibernate, or shutdown at a specific time
• Provides you an easy way to launch the utilities build in Windows
• Organizes and manage your Windows Settings
• Configures the cleaning tasks that take place automatically
link: http://www.ziddu.com/download/12576775/WinUtilities.rar.html
ImTOO Video to DVD Converter
ImTOO Video to DVD Converter can quickly and easily convert video files in most formats including high-definition (HD) formats (MP4, MKV, AVI, DivX, XviD, HD camcorder videos (M2TS, MTS, TS), MPG, MPEG, QuickTime Videos (MOV, QT), DV, VOB, Real Video (RM, RMVB), WMV, H.264/AVC, ASF, DAT, FLV, 3GP) to DVD movies. ImTOO Video to DVD Converter can also help you make custom DVD movies: create personalized DVD menus; clip and crop videos; add opening film, artistic effects, watermarks, multiple subtitle and audio files to movies, plus much more. With support for multithreading and multi-core processing, you can convert any video to DVD in moments.
* Convert & burn video files (incl. MP4, MKV, AVI, DivX, Xvid, HD camcorder videos (M2TS, MTS, TS), MPG, MPEG), iPhone 4 MOV to DVD movies
* Create ISO files & DVD folders from video files
* Create personalized DVD menus
Link: http://www.ziddu.com/download/12576732/ImTOO_Video_to_DVD_Converter.rar.html
* Convert & burn video files (incl. MP4, MKV, AVI, DivX, Xvid, HD camcorder videos (M2TS, MTS, TS), MPG, MPEG), iPhone 4 MOV to DVD movies
* Create ISO files & DVD folders from video files
* Create personalized DVD menus
Link: http://www.ziddu.com/download/12576732/ImTOO_Video_to_DVD_Converter.rar.html
trik internet gratis
Proxy : /
port : 8080
username : sikompret
pasword : gratisan
homepage : http://riky.hexat.com
biar lebih ceapt konek konek dulu ke hompagenya
Proxy :
port : 8080
trik ini akan berjalan jika dapat ip sakti yang 114.124 ingat harus dapat ip tersebut kalu tidak akan bengong
Proxy : /
port : 8080
username : sikompret
pasword : gratisan
homepage : http://riky.hexat.com
biar lebih ceapt konek konek dulu ke hompagenya
Proxy :
port : 8080
trik ini akan berjalan jika dapat ip sakti yang 114.124 ingat harus dapat ip tersebut kalu tidak akan bengong
silahkan ikuti intruksi di bawah ini
Apn : axis
proxy :
portnya : 80
silahkan pilih salasatu saja jangan semuanya di masukin he he he
trik ini ane jamin wussss untuk di pake di hp tidak perlu ada pulsanya cukup 0 perak aja atau dalam masa tenggang juga jalan .Tapi kalu mau di gunakan di PC usahakan ada pulsanya 1000 kebawah aja untuk mengatasi tendangan dari axis
Apn : axis
proxy :
portnya : 80
silahkan pilih salasatu saja jangan semuanya di masukin he he he
trik ini ane jamin wussss untuk di pake di hp tidak perlu ada pulsanya cukup 0 perak aja atau dalam masa tenggang juga jalan .Tapi kalu mau di gunakan di PC usahakan ada pulsanya 1000 kebawah aja untuk mengatasi tendangan dari axis
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Video2Webcam download
Video2Webcam | 5.2 Mb
Video2webcam enables you to show video clips as virtual webcam during video chat whether you own a real webcam or not. You could either share your home-made video clips easily with your friends while chatting on line or make fun of them by pretending to be somebody else. With it, you can play a variety of videos on messengers and switch between real & virtual webcams easily & quickly.It supports all kinds of media file formats including video formats (avi, asf, flv, mp4,mpeg, mpg, ram, rm, rmvb, wmv and etc.) and picture formats (jpg, gif, bmp, png and etc.). Besides, it works on all webcam programs such as MSN, Camfrog, Skype, ICQ, AIM, Paltalk, Yahoo Messenger, ANYwebcam, Stickam, ICUII, Ustream.tv, iSpQ, etc
Video2webcam enables you to show video clips as virtual webcam during video chat whether you own a real webcam or not. You could either share your home-made video clips easily with your friends while chatting on line or make fun of them by pretending to be somebody else. With it, you can play a variety of videos on messengers and switch between real & virtual webcams easily & quickly.It supports all kinds of media file formats including video formats (avi, asf, flv, mp4,mpeg, mpg, ram, rm, rmvb, wmv and etc.) and picture formats (jpg, gif, bmp, png and etc.). Besides, it works on all webcam programs such as MSN, Camfrog, Skype, ICQ, AIM, Paltalk, Yahoo Messenger, ANYwebcam, Stickam, ICUII, Ustream.tv, iSpQ, etc
This is the must have tool for ANY Firefox user. Firefox is great, but with FireFox Ultimate Optimizer it’s awesome. Gone are the days when Firefox consumes huge amounts of memory, acts sluggish and totally crashes out.
This Firefox tool is not a plugin, but a stand alone application that will optimize Firefox in real time! It Keeps the resource usage very low. For example I had Firefox using 150megs of ram while running, I started up this utility and almost instantly Firefox was using less than 2 megs of ram!
This program was written by Fellipe, but it seems his site is often non-responsive & only in Spanish, therefore we are offering this package with an installer and extra language files. It’s totally free!
Very small program, super easy to install, no real setup needed, run it and it just works.
For Windows XP, 2000 and Vista
This Firefox tool is not a plugin, but a stand alone application that will optimize Firefox in real time! It Keeps the resource usage very low. For example I had Firefox using 150megs of ram while running, I started up this utility and almost instantly Firefox was using less than 2 megs of ram!
This program was written by Fellipe, but it seems his site is often non-responsive & only in Spanish, therefore we are offering this package with an installer and extra language files. It’s totally free!
Very small program, super easy to install, no real setup needed, run it and it just works.
For Windows XP, 2000 and Vista
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
trik internet gratis xl
1.Trik internet ala baim dengan www .mxl. net
Setting HP apn : www.mxl.netusername & password : mxl
dns :
proxy : /
port :80
Set opmin operamini
httpserver :http:// m.xl.co.id@server4.operamini.com:80/
front query : m.xl.co.id@ host :m.xl.co.id
2.trik ngnet gratis ala ip sakti ajis
Apn : axis
proxy : / / pilih salasatu aja
port : 80
catatan : jika di pc harus di pastikan dulu pulsa dalam kartu axis maksimal 1000 kebawah aja ,karena jika tidak ada pulsa sama sekali siap2 aja kena tendangan dasyat axiss he he he
Friday, November 5, 2010
Cheap VPS $2 monthly
1 Power Unit Server
30 GB Disk Space
200 GB Monthly Bandwidth
256 MB Dedicated RAM
0.3 Ghz CPU
1 IP Address
Linux OS
$2.99 monthly
30 GB Disk Space
200 GB Monthly Bandwidth
256 MB Dedicated RAM
0.3 Ghz CPU
1 IP Address
Linux OS
$2.99 monthly
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
How to Install Kloxo/Lxadmin on CentOS 5.x Virtual Private Server Or Dedicated Server
The free version only had support to only 40 domains run on the same server and Enterprise version can run unlimited domains on one server. But now Kloxo owner LXlabs CEO K.T Ligesh dead. And the Kloxo is become a freeware So you can now obtain Enterprise license for free.
So if you want more information or want to see demo’s about kloxo please go to their website here.
So lets start-
So if you want more information or want to see demo’s about kloxo please go to their website here.
So lets start-
- First of all you need to install PUTTY and login to your server with it by very easy steps, providing the ipaddress and password given to you buy the hosting company. The default User name is root.
- Make sure you Install CentOS 5.x 32 Bit or you will get problem with Email when you run it on 64 Bit .
Cara Install Kloxo di VPS Centos 5, 32 & 64 bit
vps os centos 5 dan kloxo, berikut langkah langkah nya:
Kalau proses install sudah selesai, silahkan coba akses kloxo: http://IP-Anda:7778/
default user: admin password: admin (langsung ganti pass nya, supaya aman B-) )
Untuk demo nya sebelum menginstall silahkan coba ini: http://demo.kloxo.com:7778/
- Pastikan buka port 7778 dan 7777
- Masuk root ssh
- Ketik lalu enter: cd /
- Ketik lalu enter:
setenforce 0
- Ketik lalu enter:
wget http://download.lxlabs.com/download/kloxo/production/kloxo-install-master.sh
- Ketik lalu enter:
sh ./kloxo-install-master.sh
- proses installisasi ….
Kalau proses install sudah selesai, silahkan coba akses kloxo: http://IP-Anda:7778/
default user: admin password: admin (langsung ganti pass nya, supaya aman B-) )
Untuk demo nya sebelum menginstall silahkan coba ini: http://demo.kloxo.com:7778/
Monday, November 1, 2010
Mengisengi warga dalam Local Area Network / shutdown pc local area network
- Buka Windows Command Processor anda. Klik Start -> Run lalu ketik: cmd
- Pada command prompt, ketik: shutdown -i lalu tekan Enter.
- Perintah tersebut akan memanggil kotak dialog Remote Shutdown. Perhatikan screenshoot berikut:
- Klik tombol Add untuk memasukkan IP Address atau nama komputer target. Anda bisa memilih aksi, Shutdown, Log Off atau Restart. Pada kolom Display warning for anda bisa menentukan berapa lama countdown yang kan ditampilkan sebelum komputer di shutdown/log off/restart. Pada Opsi planned, ada pesan otomatis yang bisa anda pilih. Pada kolom Comment, anda bisa menuliskan pesan anda untuk sang penyusup
- tau.. terserah anda laah.. Saya rasa anda lebih jago soal ledek-meledek hehehe…
- Klik OK sesudahnya. Kira-kira di komputer target akan muncul seperti ini:
Hohoho… menyenangkan bukan?? Eh?? Kenapa?? Oh, anda adalah sang penyusup?? tidak ingin komputer yang anda pakai dimatikan dengan cara seperti diatas?? Tenang, saya ada sedikit tips..
- Saat anda melihat kotak dialog peringatan bahwa komputer anda akn segera di shutdown, secepat mungkin bukalah Notepad atau aplikasi Microsoft Word. Ketik kata-kata sakti berikut: AKU INGIN HIDUP 1000 TAHUN LAGI!!
Hehehe.. kelamaan yach?? emang harus kata-kata itu?? Ya nggak laah.. ketik apa aja dech, terserah anda, yang penting jangan biarkan kosong. Jangan menekan tombol Save!! - Saat “waktu eksekusi” menunjukkan angka 00:00:00, windows akan berusaha menutup aplikasi-aplikasi yang masih terbuka. Nah, aplikasi Notepad/Microsoft word yang anda buka tadi akan meminta konfirmasi dari anda apakah anda ingin menyimpan dokumen anda. Jangan pilih apa-apa, biarkan saja kotak dialog tu bertanya-tanya ;p
- Beberapa saat kemudian akan muncul kotak dialog End Program, klik tanda silang yang berada pada pojok kanan atas atau pilih cancel. Kotak dialog yang muncul berbeda-beda, kurang lebih demikian:
Nah, anda akan mendapati komputer anda tetap hidup, sehat walafiat dan berdiri tegak. hehehe…
Cuma itu caranya?? Ada nich yang lebih “formal” ^_^
1. Klik START -> Run
2. Secepat kilat, ketik shutdown -a
Perintah itu adalah perintah untuk melakukan Abort terhadap shutdown.
Lalu apa yang akan dilakukan sang Admin?? Tentu kondisi ini tidak bisa didiamkan. Jangan biarkan sang Penyusup senyum-senyum sendiri. Andalah sebagai admin yang harus tersenyum
Beri serangan kedua!! Jangan dulu pakai software remot favorit anda, nggak perlu ngeluarin senjata pamungkas untuk penyusup seperti ini. Ulangi langkah awal tadi, shutdown -i, namun jangan beri centang pada opsi Warn Users Of the action dan kosongi juga opsi Planned. Jangan beri pesan apa-apa dan komputer sang penyusup akan langsung shutdown tanpa konfirmasi
Sekian… and Happy SHUTTING DOWN!!! ^_^
Net send bomber dengan batch programing
ini hasil copas dari skynibiru... siapa tau berguna... hehee
Baiklah kita mulai dengan script kecil dibawah ini ,
@echo IP target : %1
@echo Net Send Bomber siap melakukan serangan …
@net send %1 Hooiiiii %1 Jomblo_Keparat was here !!!!!!
@goto serang
simpan dengan nama serang.bat , terus cara menggunakannya di cmd DOS prompt ketik : serang [IP_TARGET]/[nama_komputer_target].
Contoh : serang
serang pc_target
serang * (bom ke semua PC yg ada di network)
untuk mengetahui IP target/nama komputer gunakan net view terlebih dahulu.
OK.terima kasih
Baiklah kita mulai dengan script kecil dibawah ini ,
@echo IP target : %1
@echo Net Send Bomber siap melakukan serangan …
@net send %1 Hooiiiii %1 Jomblo_Keparat was here !!!!!!
@goto serang
simpan dengan nama serang.bat , terus cara menggunakannya di cmd DOS prompt ketik : serang [IP_TARGET]/[nama_komputer_target].
Contoh : serang
serang pc_target
serang * (bom ke semua PC yg ada di network)
untuk mengetahui IP target/nama komputer gunakan net view terlebih dahulu.
OK.terima kasih
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Trik [Cara] Internet Gratis Telkomsel November 2010
Paketan Nimbuzz,
Cara mendaftar Cukup ketik sms :
Dikirim ke 2520
*Untuk Mingguan akan memotong pulsa Rp.2000
*Untuk Mingguan akan memotong pulsa Rp.8000
*Paket tersebut diatas adalah unlimited (tanpa batas)
*Akan diperpanjang otomatis kalau pulsa yang ada mencukupi.
Cara mendaftar Cukup ketik sms :
- Reg Nimbuzz Minggu
- Reg Nimbuzz Bulan
Dikirim ke 2520
*Untuk Mingguan akan memotong pulsa Rp.2000
*Untuk Mingguan akan memotong pulsa Rp.8000
*Paket tersebut diatas adalah unlimited (tanpa batas)
*Akan diperpanjang otomatis kalau pulsa yang ada mencukupi.
Apn Baru Telkomsel / Trik Internet Gratis Telkomsel November 2010
Trik Internet Gratis Telkomsel November 2010, Apn Baru Telkomsel November 2010, Trik Internet Gratis Telkomsel 2010 dengan APN baru, cekidot bro dibawah ini.
apn: intern**/telkoms**/telkoms**t**1
ip: 1**.16*.16.5:8080
#tidak support query '?'
#IPConnect 114.121.* atau 114.124.*
apn: intern**/telkoms**/telkoms**t**1
ip: 1**.16*.16.5:8080
#tidak support query '?'
#IPConnect 114.121.* atau 114.124.*
setting-annya sebagai berikut:
Setting Browser kamu menggunakan HTTP Proxy: Port: 8088
FQ (Front Query): wap.smartwap.net@ atau bisa juga: wap.smartfren.co.id@
Centang Use Proxy, Set Proxy: atau
Port: 8080
Listen Port: 8088
klik Apply Setting, kemudian klik Start.Centang Use Proxy, Set Proxy: atau
Port: 8080
Listen Port: 8088
Setting Browser kamu menggunakan HTTP Proxy: Port: 8088
Friday, October 29, 2010
trik membobol - hack wifi internet gratis
Yang perlu disiapin peralatannya:
langkah2nya :
- kompi / Laptop yang dilengkapi Wifi adapter
- software untuk mendeteksi jaringan dan penggunanya Untuk windows bisa pakai Netcut kalobelum punya bisa download disini
- software pengubah Mac adreess wifi kita , disini saya pakai T MAC V.5 and bisa di download disini
- cemilan / kopi
- kesabaran dan keuletan
langkah2nya :
- Nyalain laptop / kompi dan adapter wifinya
- tunggu sampai konek ke hotspot yang mau di bobol/ atau bias ki konekkan secara manual
- buka Netcut , pilih Choice netcard yang kamu gunakan,
- dalam table netcut nanti akan muncul IP, MAC adreess danjuga hostname.
- catat mac/ ip yang mau dibobol ( jangan sampai salah mac server yah)
- ganti mac adreess kamu sesuai dengan yang udah kamu catat tadi paki T Mac V5 .R3
- coba di reconnect wifi kamu , and coba buat browsing
- Cara ini hanya berfungsi untuk hotspot yang hanya memakai proteksi filtering mac adreess
- Cara ini juga dapat dipakai pada hotspot yang memakai jatah waktu untuk setiap mac adreess ( misalnya di netcaffee)
- Cara ini hanya sebagai pembelajaran semata, akibat yang ditimbulkan kemudian hari tanggung sendiri yahhhhh …hehehehe
- Untuk bobol proteksi hotspot yang pakai WEP,WPA dan Microtic ….. tunggu aja yah
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
1. xl durasi
2. buka poroxonya klik proxy lau masukan port 8080
setelah selesai memasukan proxy dan portnya sekarang klik ok .sekarang centang pada bagian use Remote Proxy dan outgoing Header Filter
pada kolom HTTP handler isi dengan HOST:XL selanjutnya pada kolom paling bawah yaitu pada kolom Reflacment text isi dengan wap.xl.co.id atau SGET(XOH) atau bisa juga dengan M.FACEBOOK.COM
minimalkan proxo sehingga ada di kanan bawah anda nah sekarang tinggal seting browser firefox atau browser yang anda pake dengan port 8080
2. buka poroxonya klik proxy lau masukan port 8080
setelah selesai memasukan proxy dan portnya sekarang klik ok .sekarang centang pada bagian use Remote Proxy dan outgoing Header Filter
pada kolom HTTP handler isi dengan HOST:XL selanjutnya pada kolom paling bawah yaitu pada kolom Reflacment text isi dengan wap.xl.co.id atau SGET(XOH) atau bisa juga dengan M.FACEBOOK.COM
minimalkan proxo sehingga ada di kanan bawah anda nah sekarang tinggal seting browser firefox atau browser yang anda pake dengan port 8080
Friday, October 22, 2010
USB Autorun Virus Remover
Autorun Virus Remover provides protection against any malicious programs trying to attack via USB drive. When a USB device is inserted into your computer, Autorun Virus Remover will automatically scan it, block and delete autorun virus, trojans, and malicious code. Also, it can detect and remove USB virus such as autorun.inf virus in your computer.
Unlock digital receiver satelite tv
1. download sofware
2. reciever not HD merk Manhattan/ Dream Multimedia
3. rs 232 cable
============== =
2. reciever not HD merk Manhattan/ Dream Multimedia
3. rs 232 cable
============== =
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
How to install Cpanel and Fantastico in a VPS
cPanel installs a little bit differently in a VPS that it does on your traditional server.
Install cPanel in CentOS / Fedora VPS:
You will need yum installed on the VPS
cat /etc/redhat-release
rpm -q yum centos-yumconf
cPanel installs a little bit differently in a VPS that it does on your traditional server.
Install cPanel in CentOS / Fedora VPS:
You will need yum installed on the VPS
cat /etc/redhat-release
rpm -q yum centos-yumconf
Update :: install yum on centos-5-x86_64
import key:
rpm --import http://mirror.centos.org/centos-5/5/os/x86_64/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5http://mirror.centos.org/centos-5/5/os/x86_64/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5
Install needed dependencies for yum:
rpm --import http://mirror.centos.org/centos-5/5/os/x86_64/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5http://mirror.centos.org/centos-5/5/os/x86_64/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5
Install needed dependencies for yum:
Install cPanel on a SmokyHost VPS w/ centos-4-x86_64 (minimum install OS)
Installing cPanel requires yum to be installed and configured correctly. Since it is not currently installed, yum and required dependencies will be needed. Install yum's dependencies.
Install dependencies for yum:
rpm -import http://mirror.centos.org/centos/4/os/x86_64/RPM-GPG-KEY-centos4
Install dependencies for yum:
Monday, October 18, 2010
Link Building Trick For SEO Link Building Trick For SEO
I’ve started the SEO category while ago and just written one article about it – learn SEO basics which turned out great and looks like people are really interested to get to know SEO, so i’ll be starting kind of weekly SEO trick/tricks set of articles.
This week we will learn how to increase your inbound links number without paying for any campaigns. For the ones who don’t know Inbound links are links form high rated web sites/domains that link to yours. And in case someone doesn’t know what does SEO stand for, it’s Search Engine Optimization
This week we will learn how to increase your inbound links number without paying for any campaigns. For the ones who don’t know Inbound links are links form high rated web sites/domains that link to yours. And in case someone doesn’t know what does SEO stand for, it’s Search Engine Optimization
Backlinks Tips
One way backlinks are very critical to any website success. The more one way backlinks pointing to your site, the more your Google Pagerank and the more amount of traffic you will get. This should also increase your sales, etc.
But the thing is… getting the right and quality one way backlinks from high pagerank sites is not an easy task, and in this article, we’ll find out some of the best ways to get free one way backlinks : …
But the thing is… getting the right and quality one way backlinks from high pagerank sites is not an easy task, and in this article, we’ll find out some of the best ways to get free one way backlinks : …
Tips Cara Mempercepat Koneksi Internet
I. Menggubah setting bandwith Pada windows
Pada dasarnya OS windows sudah membatasi bandwidth untuk koneksi internet sebanyak 20% dari total bandwidth yang seharusnya bisa maksimal,Jika anda ingin menambah bandwidth internet supaya koneksinya terasa lebih cepat dan kencang bisa dengan cara mengurangi atau mengosongkan batasan bandwidth tersebut supaya pada Windows kita bisa maksimal dalam menggunakan bandwidth yang sudah ada.
Ikuti petunjuknya seperti dibawah ini :
I. Menggubah setting bandwith Pada windows
Pada dasarnya OS windows sudah membatasi bandwidth untuk koneksi internet sebanyak 20% dari total bandwidth yang seharusnya bisa maksimal,Jika anda ingin menambah bandwidth internet supaya koneksinya terasa lebih cepat dan kencang bisa dengan cara mengurangi atau mengosongkan batasan bandwidth tersebut supaya pada Windows kita bisa maksimal dalam menggunakan bandwidth yang sudah ada.
Ikuti petunjuknya seperti dibawah ini :
Sunday, October 17, 2010
[Tutorial] Membuat FlashDisk Kebal Virus
1. Buatlah sebuah folder dalam FlashDisk Anda, dan berikan nama "autorun.inf" (tanpa tanda kutip).
2. Masuk kedalam folder yang baru saja anda buat tersebut dan buatlah sebuah dokumen notepad didalamnya. Caranya klik kanan, pilih NEW > TEXT DOCUMENT, dan berikan sembarang nama untuk file yang baru saja anda buat (hasil akhirnya seperti pada gambar). Nama ini nantinya akan kita ganti dengan beberapa karakter khusus.
3. Setelah itu, kita akan membuka program CHARACTER MAP yang ada di START > ALL PROGRAMS > ACCESORIES > SYSTEM TOOLS > CHARACTER MAP.
4. Setelah CHARACTER MAP terbuka, pilih font yang ada embel2 unicode seperti Arial Unicode atau Lucida Sans Unicode. Scroll kebawah sampai anda melihat huruf2 Jepang, Korea,Cina, ato karakter2 aneh.
5. Pilih 4 atau 5 karakter yang anda inginkan, trus klik copy.
6. Ubah nama ato rename file teks yang telah anda buat pada langkah 2 diatas. Klik kanan pada file tersebut, pilih rename, selanjutnya tekan [CTRL] + [V]. Nama file pun berubah.
Jangan kaget bila nantinya anda akan melihat karakter seperti tanda kotak2 saja. Ga papa kok, itu normal kok.
7. FINISH........
2. Masuk kedalam folder yang baru saja anda buat tersebut dan buatlah sebuah dokumen notepad didalamnya. Caranya klik kanan, pilih NEW > TEXT DOCUMENT, dan berikan sembarang nama untuk file yang baru saja anda buat (hasil akhirnya seperti pada gambar). Nama ini nantinya akan kita ganti dengan beberapa karakter khusus.
3. Setelah itu, kita akan membuka program CHARACTER MAP yang ada di START > ALL PROGRAMS > ACCESORIES > SYSTEM TOOLS > CHARACTER MAP.
4. Setelah CHARACTER MAP terbuka, pilih font yang ada embel2 unicode seperti Arial Unicode atau Lucida Sans Unicode. Scroll kebawah sampai anda melihat huruf2 Jepang, Korea,Cina, ato karakter2 aneh.
5. Pilih 4 atau 5 karakter yang anda inginkan, trus klik copy.
6. Ubah nama ato rename file teks yang telah anda buat pada langkah 2 diatas. Klik kanan pada file tersebut, pilih rename, selanjutnya tekan [CTRL] + [V]. Nama file pun berubah.
Jangan kaget bila nantinya anda akan melihat karakter seperti tanda kotak2 saja. Ga papa kok, itu normal kok.
7. FINISH........
[Tips] Install Windows XP in 10 Minutes
STEP1 : Setelah bagian Copy Files XP ... System akan Restart secara otomatis untuk melanjutkan ke proses berikutnya...
STEP 2: tekan "Shift + F10 " . Hal ini akan memunculkan command Prompt... sekarang tulis taskmgr dan akan membuka Task Manager
STEP 3 : Setelah task Manager Terbuka plih tab Goto Processes ... dan temukan "Setup.exe" pilih dan klik kanan.... dan set the Priority ke Highest....
STEP 2: tekan "Shift + F10 " . Hal ini akan memunculkan command Prompt... sekarang tulis taskmgr dan akan membuka Task Manager
STEP 3 : Setelah task Manager Terbuka plih tab Goto Processes ... dan temukan "Setup.exe" pilih dan klik kanan.... dan set the Priority ke Highest....
9 Kiat Singkirkan Virus Sality & Hapus Sality
Berikut 9 cara singkat membersihkan virus W32/Sality.AE
1. Putuskan hubungan komputer yang akan dibersihkan dari jaringan dan internet.
2. Matikan System Restore selama proses pembersihan berlangsung.
3. Matikan Autorun dan Default Share. Silahkan download file berikut kemudian jalankan dengan cara: klik kanan repair.inf lalu install.
4. Matikan program aplikasi yang aktif di memori agar proses pembersihan lebih cepat terutama program yang ada dalam daftar startup.
5. Sebaiknya scan dengan menggunakan removal tools dengan terlebih dahulu merubah ekstensi dari removal tools tersebut dengan ekstensi lain [contoh: CMD] agar tidak diinfeksi ulang oleh W32/Sality.AE.
6. Agar komputer yang sudah terinfeksi W32/Sality.AE dapat booting safe mode, silahkan restore registry yang sudah diubah oleh virus.
Silahkan download file berikut kemudian jalankan sesuai OS yang terinfeksi W32/Sality.AE tersebut.
7. Fix registry lain yang diubah oleh virus, silahkan download tools berikut kemudian jalankan file tersebut dengan cara: klik kanan repair.inf lalu install
8. Restart komputer dan scan ulang dengan menggunakan removal tools untuk memastikan komputer telah bersih dari virus.
9. Untuk pembersihan optimal dan mencegah infeksi ulang sebaiknya install dan scan dengan antivirus yang dapat mendeteksi Sality dengan baik.
silahkan dicoba...mari kita bantai virusnya
1. Putuskan hubungan komputer yang akan dibersihkan dari jaringan dan internet.
2. Matikan System Restore selama proses pembersihan berlangsung.
3. Matikan Autorun dan Default Share. Silahkan download file berikut kemudian jalankan dengan cara: klik kanan repair.inf lalu install.
4. Matikan program aplikasi yang aktif di memori agar proses pembersihan lebih cepat terutama program yang ada dalam daftar startup.
5. Sebaiknya scan dengan menggunakan removal tools dengan terlebih dahulu merubah ekstensi dari removal tools tersebut dengan ekstensi lain [contoh: CMD] agar tidak diinfeksi ulang oleh W32/Sality.AE.
6. Agar komputer yang sudah terinfeksi W32/Sality.AE dapat booting safe mode, silahkan restore registry yang sudah diubah oleh virus.
Silahkan download file berikut kemudian jalankan sesuai OS yang terinfeksi W32/Sality.AE tersebut.
7. Fix registry lain yang diubah oleh virus, silahkan download tools berikut kemudian jalankan file tersebut dengan cara: klik kanan repair.inf lalu install
8. Restart komputer dan scan ulang dengan menggunakan removal tools untuk memastikan komputer telah bersih dari virus.
9. Untuk pembersihan optimal dan mencegah infeksi ulang sebaiknya install dan scan dengan antivirus yang dapat mendeteksi Sality dengan baik.
silahkan dicoba...mari kita bantai virusnya
8 penyebab umum munculnya 'delayed write failed' errors
1. Problem pada "Device Driver", terutama pada SCSI atau RAID.
Beberapa RAID driver sering masih blm kompatibel dengan Winsows XP SP2. Kebanyakan manufaktur sudah mengeluarkan driver terbaru mereka utk mengatasi masalah ini, jadi sebaiknya cek utk memastikan bahwa disk driver kamu sudah up-to-date atau blm.
2. Permasalahan pada kabel.
Kesalahan atau kerusakan pada kabel (terutama pada eksternal USB atau Firewire) dapat mengakibatkan timbulnya pesan error ini. Bisa karena kabel terlalu panjang, atau sumber daya yang tidak memenuhi/mendukung. Kemungkinan lainnya jika kamu memiliki UDMA drive yang membutuhkan kabel 80-pin, namun kamu hanya menggunakan kabel 40-pin.
3. Kegagalan pada SCSI.
Disebabkan pada penghentian-otomatis hardware SCSI.
4. Media error.
Ini adalah yang terburuk, sering disebut "drive failure". Gibson Research's SpinRite (http://grc.com/) juga berguna dalam mengatasi masalah media error. Tapi jgn heran, tes yang dilakukan byk memakan waktu.
5. Seting BIOS yang memaksa mode UDMA diatas kecepatan "drive controller" yang seharusnya.
Hal ini jarang terjadi, kecuali kamu iseng2 seting BIOS tanpa mengerti fungsi2nya. Namun jika ini terjadi dgn sendirinya, kamu bisa mengembalikannya dgn upgrade BIOS, atau dengan me-reset setingan BIOS pada setingan auto-detect. Atau device UDMA Mode 6 yang mengalami masalah ini, coba diganti dgn Mode 5.
6. Masalah pada controller.
Pada motherboard yang memiliki 2 tipe slot PCI (panjang-64bit & pendek-32bit), coba pindahkan USB controller ke slot yang panjang-64bit. Biasanya PCI card tipe lama tidak cocok pada slot 32bit.
7. Masalah kecocokan memory.
Jika masalah muncul setelah memasang memory baru, kemungkinan besar dikarenakan terdapat ketidak cocokan antara memory dgn motherboard.
8. Tweak registry "LargeSystemCache" dan ATI video adaptor.
DWORD registry entry-nya bisa kamu lihat di HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session Manager\Memory Management. Seting ini memerintahkan sejumlah memory di alokasikan oleh sistem utk keperluan proses kernel. Jika value key tsb adalah 1 (yang menurut sebagian org dapat meningkatkan performa sistem yang memiliki besar memory lebih dari 512MB), hal ini dapat menimbulkan corrupt data pada sebagian sistem, dan menghasilkan pesan kesalahan "Delayed Write Failed". Coba utk mengubah valuenya menjadi 0 jika ini terjadi.
Beberapa RAID driver sering masih blm kompatibel dengan Winsows XP SP2. Kebanyakan manufaktur sudah mengeluarkan driver terbaru mereka utk mengatasi masalah ini, jadi sebaiknya cek utk memastikan bahwa disk driver kamu sudah up-to-date atau blm.
2. Permasalahan pada kabel.
Kesalahan atau kerusakan pada kabel (terutama pada eksternal USB atau Firewire) dapat mengakibatkan timbulnya pesan error ini. Bisa karena kabel terlalu panjang, atau sumber daya yang tidak memenuhi/mendukung. Kemungkinan lainnya jika kamu memiliki UDMA drive yang membutuhkan kabel 80-pin, namun kamu hanya menggunakan kabel 40-pin.
3. Kegagalan pada SCSI.
Disebabkan pada penghentian-otomatis hardware SCSI.
4. Media error.
Ini adalah yang terburuk, sering disebut "drive failure". Gibson Research's SpinRite (http://grc.com/) juga berguna dalam mengatasi masalah media error. Tapi jgn heran, tes yang dilakukan byk memakan waktu.
5. Seting BIOS yang memaksa mode UDMA diatas kecepatan "drive controller" yang seharusnya.
Hal ini jarang terjadi, kecuali kamu iseng2 seting BIOS tanpa mengerti fungsi2nya. Namun jika ini terjadi dgn sendirinya, kamu bisa mengembalikannya dgn upgrade BIOS, atau dengan me-reset setingan BIOS pada setingan auto-detect. Atau device UDMA Mode 6 yang mengalami masalah ini, coba diganti dgn Mode 5.
6. Masalah pada controller.
Pada motherboard yang memiliki 2 tipe slot PCI (panjang-64bit & pendek-32bit), coba pindahkan USB controller ke slot yang panjang-64bit. Biasanya PCI card tipe lama tidak cocok pada slot 32bit.
7. Masalah kecocokan memory.
Jika masalah muncul setelah memasang memory baru, kemungkinan besar dikarenakan terdapat ketidak cocokan antara memory dgn motherboard.
8. Tweak registry "LargeSystemCache" dan ATI video adaptor.
DWORD registry entry-nya bisa kamu lihat di HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session Manager\Memory Management. Seting ini memerintahkan sejumlah memory di alokasikan oleh sistem utk keperluan proses kernel. Jika value key tsb adalah 1 (yang menurut sebagian org dapat meningkatkan performa sistem yang memiliki besar memory lebih dari 512MB), hal ini dapat menimbulkan corrupt data pada sebagian sistem, dan menghasilkan pesan kesalahan "Delayed Write Failed". Coba utk mengubah valuenya menjadi 0 jika ini terjadi.
5 Rahasia – Rahasia Unik Dalam FaceBook
Ternyata secara tidak sadar di dalam facebook itu terdapat beberapa rahasia lo! Eits..bukan rahasia seperti “cara hack facebook/fb” atau “cara merusak facebook orang”. tetapi tips trik ini unik nan kocak loo..hahaha. Artikel ini buat orang-orang yg belum tahu aja. kalo uda tahu, kasih tahu artikel ini ke orang yg belum tahu ya.
Oke, berikut ini 5 rahasia unik nan kocak facebook:
1. Konami Code
Pertama klik background terus pencet atas atas bawah bawah kiri kanan kiri kanan b a enter klik
2. Quote rahasia
Buka Friend list punya orang lain (bukan Friendlist punya sendiri) terus pilih View All dan pilih Everyone terus Highlight di paling bawah daftar temennya ada quote rahasia kecil. Kalo ga keliatan coba pencet Ctrl+a
3. Bahasa bajak laut
Scroll sampai paling bawah Page terus klik English(US) (ato Bahasa Indonesia kalo pake Bahasa Indonesia), nanti ada pilihan English (Pirate) yang kocak dipakenya
4. Siapa itu Putnam?
Kalo lagi chatting, kita masukin : putnam : (tanpa spasi) bakal keluar emote dengan gambar muka orang ga jelas. Itu adalah Chris Putnam, ahli software facebook..
5. Little Celtics Fan
Cara untuk liatnya: buka gambar di facebook, klik kanan mouse terus pilih View Image. Delete URL-nya ampe slash, kaya gini
Oke, berikut ini 5 rahasia unik nan kocak facebook:
1. Konami Code
Pertama klik background terus pencet atas atas bawah bawah kiri kanan kiri kanan b a enter klik
2. Quote rahasia
Buka Friend list punya orang lain (bukan Friendlist punya sendiri) terus pilih View All dan pilih Everyone terus Highlight di paling bawah daftar temennya ada quote rahasia kecil. Kalo ga keliatan coba pencet Ctrl+a
3. Bahasa bajak laut
Scroll sampai paling bawah Page terus klik English(US) (ato Bahasa Indonesia kalo pake Bahasa Indonesia), nanti ada pilihan English (Pirate) yang kocak dipakenya
4. Siapa itu Putnam?
Kalo lagi chatting, kita masukin : putnam : (tanpa spasi) bakal keluar emote dengan gambar muka orang ga jelas. Itu adalah Chris Putnam, ahli software facebook..
5. Little Celtics Fan
Cara untuk liatnya: buka gambar di facebook, klik kanan mouse terus pilih View Image. Delete URL-nya ampe slash, kaya gini
15 tips pencarian google / trick searching google
1. Kalkulator Google
Bisa buat ngitung angka apa aja, misalnya mau menghitung 5*54 / 12 + 56. ketik angka tersebut beserta tanda perhitungannya, setelah itu tekan enter atau klik search dan google akan memberikan hasil perhitungannya. Beberapa tanda aritmatika yang didukung : penambahan (+) , pengurangan (-) , perkalian (*) , pembagian (/) , pangkat (^) dan akar kuardrat (sqrt).
2. Kamus Definisi
Bisa untuk mengartikan sebuah kata dengan menuliskan kata "define:" (tanpa petik), contohnya define:cacing
3. Mencari sebuah title tertentu
mencari kata tertentu dalam sebuah website, formatnya "intitle:title yang dicari". contohnya intitle:gelas.
4. Konversi
buat konversi ukuran panjang, besaran dan bahkan suhu, misalnya mencari berapa yard untuk 50 meter tulis aja "50m in yard" , atau berapa derajat farenheit untuk 100 derajat celcius cukup tuliskan "100C to F"
5. Kurs Mata Uang
mau tahu berapa harga dollar amerika hari ini ? tulis aja "1 USD in IDR".
Format mata uang dalam satuan internasional, misalnya untuk rupiah indonesia ditulis IDR, dollar hongkong ditulis HKD, dan lain-lain.
6. Cuaca hari ini
mau tahu keadaan cuaca disuatu kota tulis aja misalnya Jakarta weather
7. pencarian untuk sebuah tipe file
jika mau mencari sebuah file dengan isi tertentu dan jenis file tertentu pula tulis aja seperti ini "tutorial game 3d filetype:doc" nanti akan muncul hasilnya berupa artikel2 dengan judul yang ada kata2 seperti itu dalam format .doc
8. Pencarian dalam sebuah website
Kalau mau mencari sesuatu didalam sebuah website tulis "kata dicari site:www.site.com" , misalnya mau mencari game didalam website jasakom maka tulis "game site:www.jasakom.com"
9. Waktu lokal sebuah kota
mau tahu waktu sekarang di bali? tulis aja "time bali"
10. Hilangkan hasil pencarian yg tidak dikehendaki
jika mau mencari tentang tata surya tapi tidak ingin hasil pencariannya ada kata-kata planet maka tulis saja seperti ini "tata surya -planet"
11. pencarian sebuah kalimat utuh
jika ingin mencari sebuah kalimat utuh didalam website gunakan tanda _ . - sebagai pengganti spasi. contohnya "siapa_sih" hasilnya akan berbeda dengan "siapa sih"
12. Status Penerbangan
mau tahu status sebuah penerbangan pesawat tulis aja seperti ini ""British airways flight 5 " ,untuk menulisnya harus tau tipe maskapainya dan nomor penerbangannya.
13. Pencarian grup google berdasarkan subjek
Tulis ?insubject:then topic here?
14. Mencari situs relasi
tulis "related:www.site.com?. untuk mencari situs alternatif dari website yang dicari.
15. mencari link untuk URL tertentu
ketik ?link:www.yoursite.com?. cara ini berguna untuk mencari alamat2 lain yang menghubungkan ke website yang dicari. contohnya link:www.google.com dan hasil akan keluar berupa alamat2 website lainnya yang memiliki link ke google ini.
16. desimal hexa binary
khusus buat konverter dari desimal.
ketik 1500 in hex atau 1500 in binary
Bisa buat ngitung angka apa aja, misalnya mau menghitung 5*54 / 12 + 56. ketik angka tersebut beserta tanda perhitungannya, setelah itu tekan enter atau klik search dan google akan memberikan hasil perhitungannya. Beberapa tanda aritmatika yang didukung : penambahan (+) , pengurangan (-) , perkalian (*) , pembagian (/) , pangkat (^) dan akar kuardrat (sqrt).
2. Kamus Definisi
Bisa untuk mengartikan sebuah kata dengan menuliskan kata "define:" (tanpa petik), contohnya define:cacing
3. Mencari sebuah title tertentu
mencari kata tertentu dalam sebuah website, formatnya "intitle:title yang dicari". contohnya intitle:gelas.
4. Konversi
buat konversi ukuran panjang, besaran dan bahkan suhu, misalnya mencari berapa yard untuk 50 meter tulis aja "50m in yard" , atau berapa derajat farenheit untuk 100 derajat celcius cukup tuliskan "100C to F"
5. Kurs Mata Uang
mau tahu berapa harga dollar amerika hari ini ? tulis aja "1 USD in IDR".
Format mata uang dalam satuan internasional, misalnya untuk rupiah indonesia ditulis IDR, dollar hongkong ditulis HKD, dan lain-lain.
6. Cuaca hari ini
mau tahu keadaan cuaca disuatu kota tulis aja misalnya Jakarta weather
7. pencarian untuk sebuah tipe file
jika mau mencari sebuah file dengan isi tertentu dan jenis file tertentu pula tulis aja seperti ini "tutorial game 3d filetype:doc" nanti akan muncul hasilnya berupa artikel2 dengan judul yang ada kata2 seperti itu dalam format .doc
8. Pencarian dalam sebuah website
Kalau mau mencari sesuatu didalam sebuah website tulis "kata dicari site:www.site.com" , misalnya mau mencari game didalam website jasakom maka tulis "game site:www.jasakom.com"
9. Waktu lokal sebuah kota
mau tahu waktu sekarang di bali? tulis aja "time bali"
10. Hilangkan hasil pencarian yg tidak dikehendaki
jika mau mencari tentang tata surya tapi tidak ingin hasil pencariannya ada kata-kata planet maka tulis saja seperti ini "tata surya -planet"
11. pencarian sebuah kalimat utuh
jika ingin mencari sebuah kalimat utuh didalam website gunakan tanda _ . - sebagai pengganti spasi. contohnya "siapa_sih" hasilnya akan berbeda dengan "siapa sih"
12. Status Penerbangan
mau tahu status sebuah penerbangan pesawat tulis aja seperti ini ""British airways flight 5 " ,untuk menulisnya harus tau tipe maskapainya dan nomor penerbangannya.
13. Pencarian grup google berdasarkan subjek
Tulis ?insubject:then topic here?
14. Mencari situs relasi
tulis "related:www.site.com?. untuk mencari situs alternatif dari website yang dicari.
15. mencari link untuk URL tertentu
ketik ?link:www.yoursite.com?. cara ini berguna untuk mencari alamat2 lain yang menghubungkan ke website yang dicari. contohnya link:www.google.com dan hasil akan keluar berupa alamat2 website lainnya yang memiliki link ke google ini.
16. desimal hexa binary
khusus buat konverter dari desimal.
ketik 1500 in hex atau 1500 in binary
Cara Memodifikasi Installer Windows
Cara gampang memodifikasi installer windows sehingga bisa di integrasikan dengan program2, driver, dan settingan2 yg anda inginkan sehingga tidak perlu menunggu instalasi windows dari awal hingga akhir! :D
ada 2 file penting yang dibutuhkan:
1. File Installer dari Windows yang ingin dimodifikasi (Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7)
2. vLite (untuk modifikasi Windows Vista atau Windows 7)
atau nLite (untuk modifikasi Windows XP)
3. Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK) (khusus buat modif windows vista or windows 7)
1. install WAIK bila ingin memodifikasi Windows Vista atau Windows 7 (Windows XP tidak perlu WAIK)
2. install program utama yg dibutuhkan (NLite or VLite)
3. siapkan file installer Windows yg akan di modifikasi
4. jalankan VLite atau NLite tadi
5. ikutin aja keterangan yg ada di vLite atau NLite, jadi deh... :D
ada 2 file penting yang dibutuhkan:
1. File Installer dari Windows yang ingin dimodifikasi (Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7)
2. vLite (untuk modifikasi Windows Vista atau Windows 7)
atau nLite (untuk modifikasi Windows XP)
3. Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK) (khusus buat modif windows vista or windows 7)
1. install WAIK bila ingin memodifikasi Windows Vista atau Windows 7 (Windows XP tidak perlu WAIK)
2. install program utama yg dibutuhkan (NLite or VLite)
3. siapkan file installer Windows yg akan di modifikasi
4. jalankan VLite atau NLite tadi
5. ikutin aja keterangan yg ada di vLite atau NLite, jadi deh... :D
Mempercepat Koneksi Internet dg mudah tanpa Software
Lakukan langkah-langkah berikut :
* Klik kanan pada My computer
* Pilih Properties
* Lalu ke HARDWARE tab->Device manager
* Pilih Ports ->Communication Port(double click on it and Open)
* Lalu
Ke Port Setting dan buat beberapa perubahan:
* Pada “Bits per second” ganti menjadi 128000
* dan “Flow control” option ganti menjadi Hardware
* Apply dan lihat hasilnya.
* Klik kanan pada My computer
* Pilih Properties
* Lalu ke HARDWARE tab->Device manager
* Pilih Ports ->Communication Port(double click on it and Open)
* Lalu
Ke Port Setting dan buat beberapa perubahan:
* Pada “Bits per second” ganti menjadi 128000
* dan “Flow control” option ganti menjadi Hardware
* Apply dan lihat hasilnya.
VLC Media Player 1.0.5
VLC Media Player adalah sebuah program media player gratis yang dapat memainkan banyak jenis file format video dan audio (DVD, Audio CD, VCD). VLC Media Player juga dapat digunakan sebagai server untuk streaming dalam unicast atau multicast di IPv4 atau IPv6 pada jaringan bandwidth tinggi.
VLC media player is a highly portable multimedia player for various audio and video formats as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols without external codec or program. It can also be used as a server to stream in unicast or multicast in IPv4 or IPv6 on a high-bandwidth network
VLC media player is a highly portable multimedia player for various audio and video formats as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols without external codec or program. It can also be used as a server to stream in unicast or multicast in IPv4 or IPv6 on a high-bandwidth network
Google Translate Client v4.7.430
Google Translate Client adalah sebuah aplikasi penerjemah bahasa yang memanfaatkan layanan dari Google Translate. Dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini maka anda dapat menterjemahkan kata atau kalimat berbahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris atau sebaliknya dari Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia.
Tidak hanya Bahasa Indonesia dan Ingggris saja, tapi juga dapat menterjemahkan teks atau kalimat dari dan ke dalam lebih 50 bahasa lainnya
Program Penerjemah ini mempunyai fitur Auto Paste yang ditandai dengan “G-Icon” setiap kali anda melakukan blocking pada text yang akan mempermudah penggunaannya. Setelah anda melakukan block text selanjutnya klik pada G-Icon, maka secara otomatis akan langsung di translate kedalam bahasa yang anda inginkan. Google Translate Client secara otomatis akan terintegrasi kebeberapa aplikasi Windows seperti Browser Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome.
Tidak hanya Bahasa Indonesia dan Ingggris saja, tapi juga dapat menterjemahkan teks atau kalimat dari dan ke dalam lebih 50 bahasa lainnya
Program Penerjemah ini mempunyai fitur Auto Paste yang ditandai dengan “G-Icon” setiap kali anda melakukan blocking pada text yang akan mempermudah penggunaannya. Setelah anda melakukan block text selanjutnya klik pada G-Icon, maka secara otomatis akan langsung di translate kedalam bahasa yang anda inginkan. Google Translate Client secara otomatis akan terintegrasi kebeberapa aplikasi Windows seperti Browser Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome.
Membuat antena wajan bolic
1. Wajan diameter 36″ (semakin besar diametr semakin bagus)
2. PVC paralon tipis diameter 3″ 1 meter
3. Doff 3″ (tutup PVC paralon) 2 buah
4. Aluminium foil
5. Baut + mur ukuran 12 atau 14
6. N Connector female
7. kawat tembaga no.3
8. Double tape + lakban
1. Penggaris
2. Pisau/ Cutter
3. Solder + timah nya
4. Gergaji besi
Perkiraan harga yang dikeluarkan untuk membeli bahan WajanBolic adalah kurang dari Rp 100.000,-. Bandingkan jikan Anda harus membeli antenna Grid 24db, yang bikinan local saja mencapai Rp 500.000,- lebih dan yang import bisa mencapai Rp 1.000.000,- lebih. Atau membeli antenna grid local yang harga nya Rp 200.000,- sedangkan yang import bisa mencapai Rp 300.000 lebih.
1. Siapkan semua bahan dan peralatan yang dibutuhkan.
2. Lubangi wajan tepat di tengah wajan tersebut seukuran baut 12 atau 14, cukup satu lubang saja.
Kemudia, ukur diametr wajan, kedalaman wajan dan feeder/ titik focus. Untuk lebih jelas nya silahkan liat gambar di bawah.
Contoh :
Parabolic dish dg D = 70 cm, d = 20 cm maka jarak titik focus dari center dish : F = D^2/(16*d) = 70^2 / (16*20) = 15.3 cm
Pada titik focus tsb dipasang ujung feeder. Untuk mendapatkan gain maksimum.
1. Potong PVC paralon sepanjang 30 cm, kemudian beri tanda untuk jarak feeder nya (daerah bebas aluminium foil). Untuk menentukan panjang feeder nya gunakan rumus di atas.
2. Beri lubang pada bagian paralon untuk meletakkan N Connector, untuk itu gunakan rumus antenna kaleng.
3. Potong kawat tembaga yang sudah disiapkan sesuai dengan ukuran yang didapatkan dari hasil kalkulasi website di atas. Dan solderkan pada N Connector yang telah di siapkan
4. Selanjut nya, bungkus PVC paralon dengan dgn aluminium foil pada daerah selain feeder, klo aluminium foil yang ada tanpa perekat, maka untuk merekatkan nya bisa menggunakan double tape
5. Lalu pasangkan N connector ke PVC Paralon yang telah dilubangi td
6. Pada bagian doff (tutup PVC paralon) yang akan di pasang pada ujung dekat dengan N Connector harus di beri aluminium foil, sedangkan doff yang di pasang pada wajan tidak perlu di beri aluminium foil
7. Dan pasangkan doff tersebut ke PVC paralon
8. Kemudian, wajan yang telah di bolongi tadi dipasangkan dengan doff yang satu nya lagi, sebelum nya doff tersebut dilubangi sesuai dengan ukuran bautyang sudah di siapkan, dan kencangkan secukup nya.
9. Kemudian tinggal pasangkan PVC paralon tadi ke wajan yang sudah di pasang doff.
10. Dan Wajan bolic sudah siap untuk digunakan browsing, atau paling tidak untuk wardriving.
1. Wajan diameter 36″ (semakin besar diametr semakin bagus)
2. PVC paralon tipis diameter 3″ 1 meter
3. Doff 3″ (tutup PVC paralon) 2 buah
4. Aluminium foil
5. Baut + mur ukuran 12 atau 14
6. N Connector female
7. kawat tembaga no.3
8. Double tape + lakban
1. Penggaris
2. Pisau/ Cutter
3. Solder + timah nya
4. Gergaji besi
Perkiraan harga yang dikeluarkan untuk membeli bahan WajanBolic adalah kurang dari Rp 100.000,-. Bandingkan jikan Anda harus membeli antenna Grid 24db, yang bikinan local saja mencapai Rp 500.000,- lebih dan yang import bisa mencapai Rp 1.000.000,- lebih. Atau membeli antenna grid local yang harga nya Rp 200.000,- sedangkan yang import bisa mencapai Rp 300.000 lebih.
1. Siapkan semua bahan dan peralatan yang dibutuhkan.
2. Lubangi wajan tepat di tengah wajan tersebut seukuran baut 12 atau 14, cukup satu lubang saja.
Kemudia, ukur diametr wajan, kedalaman wajan dan feeder/ titik focus. Untuk lebih jelas nya silahkan liat gambar di bawah.
Contoh :
Parabolic dish dg D = 70 cm, d = 20 cm maka jarak titik focus dari center dish : F = D^2/(16*d) = 70^2 / (16*20) = 15.3 cm
Pada titik focus tsb dipasang ujung feeder. Untuk mendapatkan gain maksimum.
1. Potong PVC paralon sepanjang 30 cm, kemudian beri tanda untuk jarak feeder nya (daerah bebas aluminium foil). Untuk menentukan panjang feeder nya gunakan rumus di atas.
2. Beri lubang pada bagian paralon untuk meletakkan N Connector, untuk itu gunakan rumus antenna kaleng.
3. Potong kawat tembaga yang sudah disiapkan sesuai dengan ukuran yang didapatkan dari hasil kalkulasi website di atas. Dan solderkan pada N Connector yang telah di siapkan
4. Selanjut nya, bungkus PVC paralon dengan dgn aluminium foil pada daerah selain feeder, klo aluminium foil yang ada tanpa perekat, maka untuk merekatkan nya bisa menggunakan double tape
5. Lalu pasangkan N connector ke PVC Paralon yang telah dilubangi td
6. Pada bagian doff (tutup PVC paralon) yang akan di pasang pada ujung dekat dengan N Connector harus di beri aluminium foil, sedangkan doff yang di pasang pada wajan tidak perlu di beri aluminium foil
7. Dan pasangkan doff tersebut ke PVC paralon
8. Kemudian, wajan yang telah di bolongi tadi dipasangkan dengan doff yang satu nya lagi, sebelum nya doff tersebut dilubangi sesuai dengan ukuran bautyang sudah di siapkan, dan kencangkan secukup nya.
9. Kemudian tinggal pasangkan PVC paralon tadi ke wajan yang sudah di pasang doff.
10. Dan Wajan bolic sudah siap untuk digunakan browsing, atau paling tidak untuk wardriving.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
How to Connect to MySQL via SSH Tunnel in Linux
Open terminal window to connect to MySQL server with MySQL Query Browser via SSH tunnel.
If you want to connect to server from "outside", not from Plone, you have to build SSH tunnel to connect.
1. Build SSH tunnel by running the following command in the terminal window:
ssh login@server -L 3306: -N
where login and server (something like login.quintagroup.com) are your SSH connection details that can be found at your quintagroup account (https://my.quintagroup.com/username)
2. You will get response asking you to enter your SSH password (can also be found at your quintagroup account)
login@server's password:
3. Now when the tunnel is built stop the previous command and set it into background to be able to initiate other commands.
* press Ctrl+Z to stop the command and you should get response:
[1]+ Stopped ssh login@server -L 3306: -N
* to set it in background, type bg and you should get response:
[1]+ ssh login@server -L 3306: -N &
4. Connect to MySQL server as if it is running on your local system (localhost:3306) for example by running the following command in the terminal window:
mysql -h -p -u user database
where user and database - are username and database name that can be found among MySQL access details at https://my.quintagroup.com/username/mysql
5. You will be asked to provide the password for your database that can also be found among MySQL access details at https://my.quintagroup.com/username/mysql
6. That's it! You are in.
7. After you are finished close application you've used to access MySQL server (for command line tool mentioned in step 4 type Ctrl+D to leave).
8. Then return to your SSH tunnel:
* get it into foreground: press fg and you will get the response:
ssh login@server -L 3306: -N
* press Ctrl+C to stop it.
If you want to connect to server from "outside", not from Plone, you have to build SSH tunnel to connect.
1. Build SSH tunnel by running the following command in the terminal window:
ssh login@server -L 3306: -N
where login and server (something like login.quintagroup.com) are your SSH connection details that can be found at your quintagroup account (https://my.quintagroup.com/username)
2. You will get response asking you to enter your SSH password (can also be found at your quintagroup account)
login@server's password:
3. Now when the tunnel is built stop the previous command and set it into background to be able to initiate other commands.
* press Ctrl+Z to stop the command and you should get response:
[1]+ Stopped ssh login@server -L 3306: -N
* to set it in background, type bg and you should get response:
[1]+ ssh login@server -L 3306: -N &
4. Connect to MySQL server as if it is running on your local system (localhost:3306) for example by running the following command in the terminal window:
mysql -h -p -u user database
where user and database - are username and database name that can be found among MySQL access details at https://my.quintagroup.com/username/mysql
5. You will be asked to provide the password for your database that can also be found among MySQL access details at https://my.quintagroup.com/username/mysql
6. That's it! You are in.
7. After you are finished close application you've used to access MySQL server (for command line tool mentioned in step 4 type Ctrl+D to leave).
8. Then return to your SSH tunnel:
* get it into foreground: press fg and you will get the response:
ssh login@server -L 3306: -N
* press Ctrl+C to stop it.
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