Thursday, December 16, 2010

How to install torrentflux on vps centos 5.5

This is a guide to install (torrent seedbox)torrentflux latest 2.4 on centos 5.5 from scratch! you dont need to know anything because all the steps are clearly provided so don’t hesitate to follow these steps.

First of all you need a dedicated server or vps for installing torrentflux. I recommend getting a vps from Germany hosting provider like or like that because most of providers in USA doesn’t like to run torrents on their servers due to copyright issues.

You need a bigger bandwidth at least 300GB, Disk Space and RAM of at least 512MB because this script consumes about 400MB of RAM in most basic configuration.

You need to have centos linux installed to continue these steps if not simply install centos from your provided vps control panel.

You need to download SSH client first like PUTTY

After installing run it and enter your ip address given by vps or dedicated provider to login to your box.

torrentflux How to install torrentflux on centos 5.5
You need to update to latest centos 5.5 first so the run the code below to update the centos operating system. After hit enter this will take time and after finished you will be able to type codes again so wait until it complete.

yum update

Then we need to install apache,mysql,php and curl so run this codes

yum install httpd python php mysql-server php-mysql php-common php-gd php-curl

Now we have installed all the scripts necessary so restart apache by using this code

/etc/init.d/httpd restart

Now we need to create my sql data base user. run this


And we need a apache and mysql to be automatically started if our server reboot. So run this

chkconfig --levels 235 httpd on

chkconfig --levels 235 mysqld on

Then type this to restart mysql

/etc/init.d/mysqld restart

Then wee need to create mysql root password you can use any password for this simply replace YOURPASSHERE with your desired password.

mysqladmin -u root password YOURPASSHERE

Then you need to create a directory to run torrentflux because running on the main directory might give us some problems so please create a directory. Its like normal directory for ex- ! In this guide I have set the directory as torrentflux you can see it below! Run this code

mkdir /var/www/html/torrentflux

Next you need to download torrentflux and install it so run this codes one by one,

cd /var/www/html/torrentflux/


Default downloaded torrentflux installation files are compressed. So uncompress it by running following codes.

tar -xzf torrentflux_2.4.tar.gz

mv torrentflux_2.4/html/* /var/www/html/torrentflux/

Now lets create a mysql database for torrentflux just like you do for wordpress
run this codes

cd /var/www/html/torrentflux/torrentflux_2.4/sql/

And on this step put your mysql password as you set early in previous steps as YOURPASSHERE
Im creating a database named “torrents” run below codes one by one

mysql -u root -pPassword: YOURPASSHEREmysql>create database torrents;mysql>q

And run this too also replace YOURPASSHERE with your preset password when prompted after running first line of command

mysql torrentflux < mysql_torrentflux.sql -u root -pPassword: YOURPASSHERE

Then you need to create a directory to store downloaded files. Im making a directory called downloads. Also run these commands one by one

mkdir /downloads chmod 777 /downloadschown apache.apache /downloads

Now we need to edit torrentflux configuration file, (like we edit wordpress’s wp-config.php )

You need to install nano text editor so run this commands one by one

yum install nanonano /var/www/html/torrentflux/config.php

then nano text editor will display following sheet. Its your torrentflux config.php file! You can navigate by arrow keys and enter the database details on that. You can edit it just like you edit file in windows notepad.

/**************************************************************************/// YOUR DATABASE CONNECTION INFORMATION/**************************************************************************/// Check the adodb/drivers/ directory for support for your database// you may choose from many (mysql is the default)$cfg["db_type"] = "mysql"; // mysql, postgres7, postgres8 view adodb/drivers/$cfg["db_host"] = "localhost"; // DB host computer name or IP$cfg["db_name"] = "torrents"; // Name of the Database$cfg["db_user"] = "root"; // username for your MySQL database$cfg["db_pass"] = "YOURPASSHERE"; // password for database/**************************************************************************/

After editing to correct database details. Press your keyboards Ctrl (Control key) and when holding Ctrl press O ( Not zero) then release the both keys (Ctrl+O) and it will ask you to save the edited file then press enter to confirm.

For exit press and hold Ctrl and then press X ( Ctrl+X)

Then tighten up your security little bit. Run these commands on ssh.

chmod -R 755 /var/www/chown -R apache.apache /var/www/

Then restart apache and mysql services

/etc/init.d/httpd restart/etc/init.d/mysqld restart

Yeah! Its 100% complete navigate to http://yourip/torrentflux/

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