Sunday, January 30, 2011

Configuring a Centos VPS for Drupal


Target of this writeup is keeping track how to set up a VPS. It's for absolute beginners, so experts please comment.
Base OS: Centos 5
Target setup:
  • Apache 2.2, with mod_ssl and mod_ruid
  • PHP 5.2, with APC and Uploadprogress
  • Mysql 5
  • Proftp
  • Webmin
Tools used:
Putty, SSH client

How to install Windows 7 and Ubuntu side by side

Windows 7 is out. Ubuntu 9.10 is coming next week. Do you know what this means? It's time for a dual boot tutorial.
We have learned how to install Windows 7. We have learned how to install Ubuntu. Today, we will learn how to install Windows 7 AND Ubuntu, side by side on the same hard disk, in what is known as a dual boot configuration.
In the Ubuntu installation guide, I have promised you we would do this, so here we are.

What are we going to do?

How to Dual Boot a MacBook

  1. 1
    Click on the "Apple" logo in upper left corner or screen and click "Software Update." Install any updates if prompted. It is important that the computer has all the latest software updates. Click on the "Finder magnifying glass" in the upper right and type "boot camp" into the search box. Click on "Boot Camp Assistant."
  2. 2
    Select "Create a Windows Partition" and click "Continue." Choose the size of the partition and choose the format. Note that sizes over 32GB must be in the NTFS format. Click on "Create Partition" and wait for the process to complete.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Monopole Design

The final GSM-900 monopole antenna design is as follows, a 77.5 mm long 3 mm diameter element coming out of the center of a 200 mm by 200 mm solid metal sheet.


Materials (Image)
1 @ 3 mm diameter Brass Rod 100 mm in length (thick copper wire would be a suitable alternative) 1 @ 200 mm by 200 mm Copper Sheet (a biscuit tin lid or piece of PCB board would be a suitable alternative) 1 @ N-Type Panel Receptacle Jack (Amphenol Connex Panel Receptacle Jack – Solder Pot Terminal or similar) 4 @ Small Nuts and Bolts (some small washers may also be needed)
Tools (Image)
Hacksaw Sheet metal shears or jigsaw Soldering iron and solder

Mempercepat Windows XP

Banyak cara yang bisa digunakan untuk mempercepat dan mengoptimize windows XP. Disini akan saya tulis bagaimana mempercepat Windows XP dengan men-disable beberapa service yang tidak penting.
Di bawah ini daftar service yang bisa di disable :
1. Alerter (berguna untuk mengirim pesan perhatian –alert– pada sistem jaringan; kalau untuk PC stand alone nggak perlu, bisa di - disable).

Cara bobol warnet / hotspot

Langsung aja sekarang ke caranya :

1. Cari lokasi penyedia layanan hotspot, tentunya di daerah yang terjangkau jaringan hotspot tersebut.

2. Hidupkan laptop anda, dan hidupkan pula wireless network anda dan lihat di sistem tray icon wireless network, kemudian klik kanan dan pilih view avalible wireless network, dan tentunya setelah itu anda harus connect ke wireless hotspot tujuan anda.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Cara Install Kloxo di VPS Centos 5, 32 & 64 bit

Bebrapa dari kita tentunya sudah tahu kloxo, ya... software admin semacam cPanel tapi gratis. Melihat betapa mahalnya lisensi cPanel yang untuk vps saja bisa sampai $15/month belum termasuk sewa vps nya, tentunya bisa membuat kantong kita kering, hehe...

Kalo untuk vps penggunaan pribadi solusinya ya bisa pakai kloxo produk dari perusahaan LxCenter ini, tapi kalo untuk usaha hosting ya sudah pasti cPanel pilihannya :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Install ptunnel on Server CentOS 5.5 for Tunneling via ICMP

Ptunnel is an application that allows you to reliably tunnel TCP connections to a remote host using ICMP echo request and reply packets, commonly known as ping requests and replies. It is not a feature-rich tool by any means, but it does what it advertises. So here is what it can do:

* Tunnel TCP using ICMP echo request and reply packets
* Connections are reliable (lost packets are resent as necessary)
* Handles multiple connections
* Acceptable bandwidth (150 kb/s downstream and about 50 kb/s upstream are the currently measured maximas for one tunnel)
* Authentication, to prevent just anyone from using your proxy

PTunnel will not work in the condition that when an outgoing/incoming ping not allowed, or filtered by a gateway somewhere along the way. Also, it does not involve any congestion control. But a good thing is that it is open source and supports both Linux, Windows & Mac. For Windows, you will also need WinPcap.

There is the step for installing ptunnel 0.71:


# yum -y install gcc*
# yum -y install libpcap*
# mkdir /tmp
# cd /tmp
# wget
# tar -zxvf PingTunnel-0.71.tar.gz
# cd PingTunnel
# make
# make install

On server CentOS 5.5 32bit

# ptunnel &

On server CentOS 5.5 64bit

# ptunnel > /dev/null 2 >&1 &

Open Port on Server (8000 or whatever it that will be used for tunneling)

# setup

and then choose Firewall configuration >> Customize

do as shown in the picture:


ptunnel -p -lp 8000 -da -dp 22

If you using ptunnel client on windows, make sure you copy ptunnel.exe to folder system32 before running that command on command prompt and WinPcap has installed on your system.


Using PuTTY or Bidvise Tunnelier to login to your SSH.

Setting on SSH Client:

Host :
Port : 8000

My Mine